Thursday, December 23, 2010
juz saw the pics candace tagged on fb. the cycling 1. it sorta amazed me how i seemed 2 b smiling so cheerfully, when its hurting so bad inside.
if it hurts so much; is it worth it?
but then again, i told myself once, i'll never gif up this frenship.
so how?
sidenote:thanks all(: i really appreciate(:
bt its v tough and trickyy.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
haha. owells.
seriously. yup. it hurts so much.
& i've been having some weird 'cravings' recently. cravings which haf got nothin 2 do wif food, which is rare.
as i was sharing 2 zoey (randomly) 2day; i haf this longing 2 b picked up at work wif a bike!! ok seiously random, but i really loved the bike experience!! missing it till now. like seriously.
but its okay(: i crave, but i noe its unattainable
its alrighttt(:
& i 4gt my another craving. but its alrite, cuz i haf no mood 2 write anything now anyway. everythin is juz fake smiles anyway
sidenote:happy 4months(:
wif work.
On the fifth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:
Four calling birds,
Three french hens,
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
sure, they've raised my pay (by very little, but a raise IS a raise); but something that happened juz makes me wonder..
owells. see how la ah?(:
anyway, this hols isn't really relaxing, 2 say de least. but at least after christmas i'll b a little free-er!!♥
hahas. but going KL on 29-31dec.
and den de non-coupled people are~~
obviously de 2 couples are gonna link room while de 4 of us link room. & everything's already planned out. dat de 3 gals wake up earlier (tough 4 me) specially 2 brush teeth beside zg's ears cuz he hates the sound of brushing teeth.
according 2 him he himsself brush its diff (quite true cuz of de vibrations, juz like our voices are different from wad we ourselves hear)
anyway. im sorta kinda sad about KL tho. cuz i would haf preferred it wif there were siewping,sz etc!! bt siewping cant=(
& its so random. bt i keep thinking about my sec3 kl tip recently. thinking about it like mad. mayb its not the TRIP.
hahas. okay. its juz dat i miss some1. bt ok la. juz miss oni.
OK ANYWAY! 2day after work zoey & i actually went "exploring" chongpang. cuz kumon moving; and i had not a single clue whr de new place was gonna b.
so we decided 2 explore (and oso buy de delicious waffle nearby as well)
so we went exploring. HAHA!! was fun!! i love my colleagues♥
hopes my fav colleague doesn't quitt!! if she does i'll b like so sad=(
& kumon gonna haf seperate rooms or smt, i heard. different rooms diff subjects, abit sad sia. den wont get 2 see kids from othe subjects who i love as well. HAHA!! like my fav kid's BROTHER!
he super nice 1 la. always smiling & all. charming(:
okay anyway, i haven written a single card.
Friday, December 17, 2010
She is the girl and I really want to make her mine
I’m searching everywhere to find her again
To tell her I love her
And I’m sorry ’bout the things I’ve done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s crying while she’s saying this
Boy I missed your kisses all the time but this is
Twenty five minutes too late
Though you travelled so far boy I’m sorry you are
Twenty five minutes too late
Against the wind I’m going home again
Wishing be back to the time when we were more than
Still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s cried while she’s saying this
Out in the streets
Places where hungry hearts have nothing to eat
Inside my head
Still I can hear the words she said
I can still hear what she said
love this song(:
& i stunned sarah by randomly typing de chorus 0ut 2 her, in caps. HAHAHAHA!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
what's the point of having such a cute face, of having such a cute smile; if at the end of the day, your attitude is crap?
like hello. sometimes i really feel like yelling at you, or showing VERY obviously my displeasure.
when i say it's wrong, IT'S WRONG. okay?! you think i'm dumb or something? hello. im how many years older than you? age is not the determining factor though. i'm working as a teaching assistant. don't you think i'll know what the hell 5x10 is? you keep giving me wrong answers and insisting with your irritatingly horrible attitude that you're correct and IM WRONG. o wow. so know you're the freaking teaching while i'm some freaking retard?
wth. it's not even the 1st time your horrible attitude was displayed to me.
how about the time you said i was your maid?
your attitude really needs some major change, asshole.
i think it's quite safe to say that noone here actually LIKES you. they might be neutral with you. that's probably 'cuz they don't know you well. once they take you, i think they'll dislike you as much as i do.
all in all, i hate it when you come. because i hate you.
so what if you're cute? you're JUST A PRETTY FACE. your inside is so ugly.
& on another note, i fail to see the reason to stay, other than some kids and my colleagues. seriously.
but, is it a good enough reason? colleagues are. but what if? what if they quit?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
ya. the wonders yet horrors of fb. any1 who has u as a fren would noe its ur bdae even if they dun rmb. tho im always guilty of being reminded (ONLY BY FB) dat its a fren's bdae, but sometimes i find it sorta insincere.
by sms:
-Ruth (23:58:27 on 1st dec according 2 my hp)
-Lianjie (23:58:34 on 1st dec according 2 my hp tho he insists he's 1st and he sent it at midnight exactly)
-Deanna (00:002:06 on 2nd dec, technically speaking she's de 1st on the actual day?=D)
-Ziguang (05:39:49. think he's nuts. so early??)
-my aunt (09:32:01)
-my papa (11:37:40)
-SP (12:10:47)
-Sarah (13:24:49)
-Pamela craziest bestie (13:48:02)
-Ben tan (20:23:58)
And on fb its like super alot.
so i shall type out all. (copy paste from fb)
will type de 1st person till de last person
Mabel Tan: Happy birthday !!!
Yicong Faith: Happy Birthday!! :)
MelissaMonkey Lim: Happy birthday to the one who have same name as me! :)
Gerald Lee: happy birthday mel! :D
Sean Wong: Happy B-day mel :))
Catherine Eartha Tan: helloheello dear melissa HAPPY BIRTHDAAY my dear silly girl~~~~:D:D:D
Sebes Luvv Electroo(sebestian): happy birthday!! =)
Jing Hao Ngoh: happy birthday :) Mel
Chang Yx: Happy birthday!!
Lee Bing Long: Hey:) happy birthday to you!:D
Braynard Kang: Happy Birthday Melissa! you know even though you're pretty short, but height isnt everything :D you've been a cheerful and caring sister to most of the brothers I believe. See you soon ^^ [BRAYNARD SO BAD!! HAHA!!]
Darren Ng Wai Lun: Happy Birthday!
Weiwei Loveyan: Happy Birthday :)
Rongjie Teo: happy birthday:D
Andrew Andrei Modric: Happie Birthday!
Fifi Yolanda: happy birthday Mel, no longer seeing you around school
Goh Bi Jie Manfred: HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
Lim Ying: HELLO MY PERFECT PARTNER! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :DDDDDDDD ♥ [hahas 1 of my favouritest colleague at work]
WeiKoon Calvin Zephaniah: Happy Birthday!! :)
Nicholas Ong: Xiao mei happy birthday. (:
Jul Tiong: Hey! Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for bringing so much laughter into my life.
Ethan Tan WeiLoong: Happy birthday buddy! I've know you for 4 years already! You've been someone really nice to me. One that is sensitive to others and always looking silly! Your silliness has brighten up not just my day, but many others as well. I pray that as you grow older, you will grow in G more and more as well. Experiencing Him in ...a deeper measure. Do your best in everything you do too! Jiayou and have a great one! =)
Rebecca Tian: happy birthday melissa! :D really glad to know you when we were serving in ushering ministry as well as X2 group. your cuteness really brighten your peers and people around you. wanna encourage you to serve and do your best, God will do the rest. jiayou okay? impact as many people around you! have a blast! keep in touch:D
Yeo Yiquan: Happy birthday (:
Daphne Lin Peiqing: happy bday melissa! :D
Tricia Tan: Happy Birthday Melissa! (: (:
Shreedhee Kyra: Happy birthday!
Vivien Paige Lim: Happy Birthday! :D
Bernadette Ong: Happy birthday!
Shamini Raj: happy birthday babe(:
Siti Mariame: Melissaaaaaaaaa~ Happy Birthday! ♥
Yan Ying: Happy Birthday :)wish u all ur dreams come true...stay happy n smile always ^^hav a nice day ahead :DD
Ariella Joan: Happy Birthday, dear girl (: [i miss her like crappp=(]
Kristy Hui: Happy Birthday!!!!
Aaron Lim: hey Happy birthday Melissa. ask @tony tan to give u a ride on his bike
Edwin Angelo Ho: happy birthday melllll! ;p [after dat we actually talked on msn. after like years of not talking. ok. mayb abt a year la. HAHA!!]
Liying Ling: happy birthday melissa! =D
Loh Yurong: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR PUB GIRL ♥ YOU MANY MANY [note:PUB = public utilities board. my attachment. my beloved attachment. hahas=D]
James Ting Pin Yeng: happy birthday! 快高长大
Francis Huiyu: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ♥
Chee Guan: Happy Birthday! (:
Jason Fernandez Stanly: Happy B'dae! :-D
Kasmiranti Kassim: happy birthday!
Sun Chuanhuang: happy birthday................................But i though your birthday is over le lol..........?????????????????? [hahas i scolded him boxim]
Cindy Peh: mel mel happie birthdyyy =D hahaha. .. enjoy~ xD have a blast! ♥ [from fyp teammate!]
Doris Ng: Happy birthday Melissa! [from pretty girl doris]
Kenny Jedidiah: wah ni bian lao le!! =DD happy birthday fellow housekeeping dude.. [hahas my 1st church camp i did housekeeping under him. super funnyy! kept bullying him]
Jacintha Fidgity Fillmore: Happy Birthday dear, have a blaast and takecare (: [from another pretty girll!!]
Brendan Teo: hey, happy birthday! [jogging buddies!]
Kok Chin Yang: happie birthday!!! :) [from guy who was scared of me in secsch cuz i was too hyper! heard it from a fren]
Joan Yuen Zining: happy birthday! :)
Jie Bin: Happy Birthday to you, I know you will reply with thank you for so many time SO I will say it Welcome first...
Liling Cheong: Happy birthday!! :D
Ong Yu Ying: Hey! My dear galHappy bday! It's been a long time since we meet! [from my beloved wushu-mate(:]
Ryan Wang: happy birthday!
MelissaMonkey Lim: 生日快乐! [this little monkey wished me twice. once in chinese once in english. HAHA!!]
Meixiang Xu: HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY! :D [another fav colleague. actually, all my colleagues are favourites. so ya. HAHA!! bt ly is 1 of my favouritest!]
Jaslyn Esther: hey girl, happy birthday! Have fun, enjoy and God Bless :) [caretaker when i first entered hrp!(:]
Derek Chew: Happy bird-day! [from the guy whose name i thought was melvin]
Joyce Tan: happy bdae! [my biochem classmate]
Stephen Ng: happy birthday =)
Ronald Lum Pin: Hey Happy bday =)
Angelina Teo: haha we share the same date!! Happy birthday!
Cherilyn Lian: Happy birthday! Hope you'll enjoy your special day! Have a blast :) [from jasper's pretty gf(:]
Shareen Chen: Happy birthday my beloved dear... :) its a joy to always be with u!!
Candace Lye: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING SILLY MELISSA! ^^ queen of the day! ♕ hehehehe, last teen alr! hohoho. truly treasure you in my life, you matter to me my dearest! ((: cliche, but, see you at the end of the race okay! never give up! i love you! ♥♥♥ (ღ˘◡˘ღ) [from my pretty lgl!(:]
Benjamin Tan: Hey Mel!!! Happybirthday!!!!! Have a enjoyable birthday celebration ya?? i am sure u will have lotsa fun! haha!
Aryielle SingYee: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥
SinLih Chin: Happy Birthday! [from a guy whom i've never met in reallife b4!! HAHA!! met thru game]
Syafiqah Faruq: happy birthday dear! =) [from anther pretty girl!!(:]
Limei Peh: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! =)
Alson Qua: happy birthday!
Hazaelle Kristle Christiani: Happy birthday Melissa! :)
Keira Cheyenne: hey melissa... happy 19th befday.. hope ur wishes cum true.. mis u.. [from suzie]
Siewping Eng: Happy Birthday Silly Mel~ haha ... hope u enjoyed the celebration with us :D
Pamela Syy: I'M THE LAST...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY MEL [from my bestest bestie since sec sch tho we seldom meetup]
Chang Yx: Happy Birthday!! [beats me why he wished again. HAHA!!]
Jasper Lim: HAPPYBIRTHDAY AGAIN MEL! HOPE YOU ENJOY THE RIDE =pp hahahah. sorry ah was rushing home thats why, this time really is special case! anyway hope you enjoyed! haha.
hahas. loove!!
ok. & amy wished me in person. and alena=D
ok. den we went off 2.. erm. ok. i 4gt de place name. its purple line. & we ate some kinda steamboat!!(:
den suddenly deanna went off say go toilet
i ask her wan me pei her she say "NO!!"
so immediately suspect smt alr.
den dat dedrick ah. he said "u all never receive de sms meh?"
den every1 was like WAH LAU DEDRICK!
den he slapped himself. HAHAHAHA!!
den they came back & sang bdae song~~
OHYA. they gave me a blue backpack! LOVE!! ironic tho.
they bought on tues. on tues nite like super late, i went 2 google pics of backpack cuz i inteded 2 buy 1 for myself. den i sent 2 siewping, sz and deanna 2 see. & they shocked. dunno whether 2 tell me they buy 4 me bag anot, so i wont go buy myself.
in de end when we went kbox on wed they gave me!!
den ok. back 2 story. after eating we took polaroids!<3
den jasper & cherilyn came(:
& they sent me home! (along wif SP and his gf)
ok. pics on fb. im lazy
Friday, December 10, 2010
anyway this is the "Things i wanna do in this lifetime"
-Stargazing; harvest moon and starry skies
-Shave for HFH at least once
-Learn unicycle
-Learn horseriding
-Learn bike; get a bike [if possible]
-Run and COMPLETE 42.195km [aka FULL marathon]
-Fall in love
-Travel to somewhere with snow
-Mountain climbing [abit impossible but its a dream. i can dream big rite?(:]
-Own a blackberry phone
and last but not least, i want to be CONTENTED with my life(:
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
bt ok. anothe day?=X
anyway. AI faci is reena moses. in p8 she asked for RJ qn is whr she would like 2 see us in 5 years time. sorta like 0ur plands after 5 years la.
so i said hopefully she'll see me at NUS!!♥
& here's her reply, which really touched me
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
but for now, since i recently read thru my these few months' posts, i've gt something new 2 say. juz 2 rant 0ut.
look. when i didnt say bye 2 u b4 going offline u made such a big fuss over it, saying i ALWAYS liddat.
but hey. look at urself man. didnt u juz go offline wifout saying bye?
btw. im so not intersted in u & whoever u're wif anymore. i oni wanted 2 noe cuz i thought we were frenz, & could get 2 noe how u got her, since u liked her for so long.
but naw. i think its better this way. lets stay as acquaintances. though this frenship was 1 dat really blessed me previously, but mayb, just mayb, its a SEASONAL frenship. not a lifetime 1. good while it lasted.
& tho i appreciate u and always will, but mayb its time 2 let go.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
initially it was juz after my ut on wednesday, go meet my sec sch clique(: (technically speaking tony aint from my sec sch bt he's still from the clique. HAHA!! ok who cares. knew him thru aaron in yr1 sem2. his class was like BESIDE mine. while pam's was 1 level below ours. den everyday after sch she'll come up & we'll bully tony. HAHAHAHA!!)
so we decided 2 eat chicken wingss(:
so it was me pamela aaron tony.
den after dat they play badminton. den suddenly pamela suggested 2 tony 2 bike me over 2 khatib dam thr, since i've NEVER sat on a bike b4.
i was SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!! den dat pig refused 2 go get helmet. he go play badminton. so bully him. den he went up 2 get his helmet. dat kuku pamela, was holding on 2 her eeyore toy dat she bought from polyclinic-.- this girl ah..
DEN!! hahahahahaha I SAT ON A BIKE!! OMGGGGGG!! i ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FEELING!! screamscreamscream. den at khatib dam thr rest awhile. saw an ABSOLUTELY CUTE BIKE!! gilera or smt liddat. according 2 tony
so! gilera took over vespa in my bike ranking. HAHA!! technically speaking, my bike ranking ONLY had vespa. owell. HAHA!! i dunno bikes well. i juz like bikes cuz they're so cool!
den went back 2 de badminton place whr pamela they all were waiting. den take pics, den im off home!! i got a ride home too!! on the bike!!
ok seriously. im having bike fever since wednesday. i so totally wanna get a bike license!!
BIKEBIKEBIKEBIKE!! i really dunno how 2 describe the joy i had from the ride!! its like so OMG AWESOME!
been 1 of my wishes since young. ok technically speaking my wish was to RIDE A BIKE MYSELF, but since dat is still unattainable as yet, but its an awesome second best!! cuz i've never got 2 experience a bike ride before, & omg it was SOOOOOOOOOO FUN!!
okay! pics time!!(:

tony & i. dat's his bike. HAHA!! my virgin bike trip!

pamela & i! wif her silly little eeyore
ok! den after reaching home i went crazy telling my mama abt my virgin bike ride!! she wasn't dat excited as me tho. muz b cuz she sit before. tsk.
HAHAHAHA!! ok. vows 2 get bike.
ANYWAY! den i went madmad wif deanna. she mad abt vespa i mad about gilera AND vespa. HAHAHAHA!! bike fever yea!
den recently i told LY i 1st time ride bike & she was like telling me she never before!! & she wished she could sit on a bike. aw. if i get a license & im confident enough i take u? HAHA!! bt mayb by den we oso kena *urhmphed* by *urhmphs* alr. HAHA!!
& yesterday at fyp i was feelin quite cui & all. like pissed and everything. & den i stormed outta de class eventually. & i was feeling quite guilty. i mean its nt een their fault.
bt i tought 7 myself "after work i'll msg them telling them sorrie etc"
den b4 work glenn alr smsed saying he was sorrie if he said smt wrong etc. i shocked sia!!
i was seriously unwilling 2 say sorrie u'kno. pride and all. but thanks 2 glenn!
ok. anyway.
korean kid might not be studying anymore on dec!! mx told me cuz she saw he dec no plans in de thingie. den i was SO SAD!! i told her "HUH? aiyo. i wanna see him!! nvm i tell them i pay 4 his fees. juz so i can see him." HAHAHA!! siao sia i.
ok! gotta go study alr. BYE! & icecream man's below. i should go down soon. HAHA!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
bt okay. now im feeling loads better. bt still pissed about it. owell. no point luh.
anyway, i saw this video on fb. about to child from parents. its nt de title bt im sumarising it up, basically from parents when they're old wad they hope we will/will not do. like be impatient wif them etc.
go my fb 2 see! it really got me teary eyed. its like omg. makes me so dunno-how-2-describe like my heart very heavy or smt when i saw. heavy as in like..dunno. heart-sour. (xin suan)
anyway, go see! im gonna go write in my diary. tho i never ever write in it. its some lousy ol' notebook. hahas. i thought i'll get the motivation 2 write but i dont ever. i hate writing in diaries.
okay byee
& 2day's got my fav kids(: korean kid and cute-girl-who-suaned-me-before(:
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
2day i went 2 work.
& saw 2 new names on the sign-in sheet for the people working.
& den i was enlightened. she's WORKING HERE?!
ok. lemme tell u why. she's a STUDENT over here!! & she's WORKING HERE AS WELL?!
ok. super duper interesting?! HAHAHAHAHA!!
i made a mental note 2 tell LY about it. HAHAHA!! cuz seriously? its too good 2 not share!!
& den she was as shocked as me. seriously. i was stunned at work 2day oso. bt not 4 long. needa mark papers leh. stunned too long later kena fired.
ok anyway! i told LY & she was being self amused. cuz i said "imagine she pack her own hw. weird"
& den LY said
HAHA!! okay seriously? i enjoy talkin 2 LY. cuz she's so nice!!
anyway! last friday after work, i needed to tie my shoelaces of my sandals. den i went out 2 tie. den i had my laptop in my hands. needed 2 put it down. LY was waiting 4 me.
den i put down my laptop. hits de metal pull-down-thing. & den the impact was SUPER loud. LY jumped.
& i started laughing like mad. i gt shocked as well but i was really tickled by it cuz LY was like OMG!
den while laughing (my boss was inside), she suddenly say. LATER *boss's name* INSIDE OSO JUMP!!
den i kept laughing. & den i said "我要被fire了!!" HAHAHAHA!!
& den in de end we went our seperate ways anyway! HAHA but seriously i laughed my ass off!!(:
& 2day after talkin 2 LY she said hope we mark math 2gether! best partners!!
haha!! & ya. i feel i mark math best wif her. cuz we haf a tiny system in doing our marking. HAHA!!
& she tagged me on fb!!
hahas okay. its my heaven(: my workplace is my heaven. how weird. HAHA!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
feels good(:
needs nua days like at least once a week. HAHA!!
& needs "SHORTS-AND-NOT-JEANS" days. preferably everyday of the week but..
okay never mind(:
anyway 2day morning i was woken up by my hungry sis. from my beautiful dreamless sleep=( HAHAHAHA!!
ok dats not the point.
i 4gt 2 blog about friday and yesterday!!
friday was a joke. seriously!!
a kid wore earmuffs 2 kumon. i think cuz he going back india den there cold. den since gt new earmuffs den wanna wear it everywhere or something.
my hypothesis.
den my colleague LY asked him why was he wearing dat. he said "cold." den we were like HUH SINGAPORE COLD?!
den sent him back 2 do his work. after dat he had nothing 2 do
so LY told him "go see *teacher's name*"
den she purposely speak very soft so he cant hear. cuz he wearing earmuffs so even more cannot hear. den she purposely whisper. SO BAD!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
but super funny la!! i laughed super long.
den kumon moving luh. den started talking about grp2 etc. den my boss said can see dat another colleague loves the grp2 kids dats y always put her thr. den she was like HUH?! while de rest of us were laughing our asses off
i do like this community♥
hahas anyway
den sat didnt work cuz haf leanne's wedding
heehee. i think its so sweet. the way they met, etc.
den service den eat den home.
(note: 2 dumb: i dont like anyone now okay.)
2day my jiejie woke me up den we went 2 eat lunch.
when we were taking bus back home, some idiotic aunties infront seriously pissed me off. firstly they WAITED FOR THEIR FRIEND WHEN THE BUS REACHED. & blocked the way. den de auntie reached juz as i was gonna walk past them (they stand 2 let others go 1st but still? inconsierate)
den so me being abit nice, let the friend & de rest go 1st.
den after dat they BLOCKED THE WAY SUDDENLY. dunno 4 wad. & quite long. & obviously there're people behind rite.
so i was getting a bit pissed, especially since they dunno doing wad stupid brainless thing la. (tho i really dunno wad they doing)
& den i went "EXCUSE ME" very rudely & very loudly. i dont gif a damn already l0r.
den de auntie diao me. wadever. den complain 2 de auntie infront 2 walk faster CUZ PEOPLE BEHIND (den i dunno wad she said. was in dialect)
i literally felt like punching her sia!! 1stly, SHE was de late auntie. I let her go 1st. den u all stop de damn queue. wth?! dun think u old i gotta respect u ok. respect is earned. dumb woman. ARGHS.
den reached home after awhile my sis convinced me thr was icecream man downstairs.
so after not seeing him at the carpark from kitchen window, we decided 2 go down ANYWAY
his icecream is too good
den we went down really no haf leh.
so decided 2 settle for second best. icecream from the shop nearby. across the bridge.
after buying it (stupid, de icecream no spoon or something, how 2 i eat. anyway it was horrible)
& turns 0ut he juz reached our house downstairs. SOBS!!
threw away my horrible icecream (my sis still ate hers, she say nt worth throwing away a perfectly gd icecream. mine was horrible so it was okay)
den i went 2 buy cuz she didnt wanna look like a traitor, eating another icecream infront of the icecream man. HAHAHAHA!!
den in de end i bought de bread-scoop 1 while my sis decided on bread-scoop AND cup-scoop. seriously. she's an icecream freak. FROM WHEN WE WERE TINY LITTLE KIDS SHE WAS!!
ok anyway, she gave the bread-scoop 1 2 my dad. but she still ate 2 icecreams 2day. omg.
HAHA okay. im gonna go play game. fyp advisor didnt reply my email. quite -.-
its not very late oso wad. & i submitted the FULL REPORT. not even snippets of my report. bt no. bet he's nt gonna go thru wif me. wth rite. den i rush thru it 4 nothing. dammit.
OH! & i bought cotton on shorts 2day! & bracelets. HAHA!! okay. i think im nuts. ok muz curb my spending=(
Thursday, November 18, 2010
anyway, after submitting my fyp report (much earlier than last fyp where i rushed through it till i cried from the daily headaches), i feel so free but abit bored.
i got so sad 4 awhile. but no point. my sis dragged me 2 EVERY SHOE SHOP at fareast lvl 1. & finally i bought de 1st shoe she pointed out 2 me anyway.
okay anyway!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
some of them at least(:
hahas so anyway i reached after i dinnered wif de grp. i oni ate shihlin chicken.
den met dat pig zg at dhoby. cuz i thought i'll be like de earlier few? & i didnt wanna meet like jasper & cherilyn early. cuz later awkward silence arh.
so i told him meet at dhoby.
so we met at dhoby. in de end SP & another girl (i 4gt her name=X) reached earlier. den very super duper soon deanna reached.
so yups
den off 2 de pub side. found cherilyn & jasper thr.
den dedrick came after
den drinkdrink. den we went out 2 buy icecream (me deanna zg)
den go play at some gate. den after dat sat at river thr eat icecream & juz talktalk awhile
den back 2 de pub. den after dat SP initially supposed 2 ton wif us. in de end dedrick ton wif us (me deanna zg)
SP sent de girl back=D
den we bought cupnoodles at downstairs of zg's house
den zg asked me"dont u think after dedrick drink he seems more aggressive? more vulgarities etc"
me *thinks while* EH TRUE SIA!
den i laughed & told him
den we playplay awhile went up 2 zg house alr. deanna lent me her clothes!(:
den changed & started watchin youtube videos. & im currently mad on bruno mars' "Just the way you are"
deanna showed me. he said "So, if you're here with that special someone tonight, grab her REAL CLOSE. This was dedicated 2 u all.
& ladies if you DONT have that special someone tonight,*snaps vest and runs his hands through his hair* I'LL BE YOUR SPECIAL SOMEONE"
OMG. heart melts. seriously. omggggg. he's like so super sweet? & his song is so wosome!! omggggg. *faints*
& his eyes are so mesmerizing!! omg. HAHA!!
i keep playing it on youtube now. HAHA!! i really like!!
(the lyrics which i love
Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day
Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so, sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are(yeah)
Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day
Oh, you know, you know, you know, I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So, don't even bother asking if you look ok
You know I'll say
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
Girl you're amazing, just the way you are
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are. Yeah)
den deanna went 2 sleep cuz she had ubin de next day.
so left me zg dedrick.
den zg & dedrick like abitabit gone alr, den i keep hitting them wif pillow so they'll entertain me.
zg's pet phrase once i hit him? "我没有睡啦!!"
dedrick's pet phrase once i hit him? "IM AWAKE IM AWAKE!!"
den we played monopoly deal once. den got bored.
den zg fell asleep soon. dedrick tried 2 keep awake. HAHA but he fell asleep abt 530.
den i wanted 2 ton all de way.
so i tahan till 615 (supposed 2 b every1 wake at 6. i tried waking zg. he mumble something den turned away-.-)
so i cannot tahan. i sleep oso.
den 630 wake up. try 2 wake zg again (i figured he was de best 2 wake. dedrick confirm scold vulgarities. deanna tired ma. let her slp more)
den he still never-.-
den i slp again.
at every 15min interval i'll try 2 wake them. no use de l0r?!
finally at about 8 they woke? so i slept abt 1 and a half hour=(
but i was having headache. & sore eyes. i bet its zg's house. his own eyes oso itched. & dedrick de oso if im nt wrong.
anyway. den we brekkied at zg house downstairs thr. den deanna rushed off 2 fyp. poor thing sia. sunday oso needa do.
den we went dedrick busstop (which was JUST downstairs zg's house. dat lucky guy)
mine was a distance away. i wanted 2 lead the way. but i thought better not. since im like not very sure.
den finally reached de busstop. & MY BUS REACHED VERY SOON!!
slept on de bus. i had bad sorethroat oso. suck de lozenges dat dumb gave me. SEE DUMB. I GT EAT UR LOZENGES HOR!! HAHA!!
den reached yishun i really like zombie cannot take it.
once i reach home i shit. den slp alr. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~
den wake up, headache & fever. wthh
slept till like 9. so erm
i slept at like 11? till 9. HAHA!! 10 hours?
den wake up 2 eat dinner etc.
den still fever. mom force me eat meds. & den i almost cried cuz i was really feeling horrible.
den slept. & finally 2day im okay once i woke. omg. i feel wosome!(:
oso, some "fair godmother" tagged me on my blog. i was like shocked. who on earth IS dat?! i still dont noe, 2 tell u de truth.
but anyway, he/she said this, with regard 2 my despo post. "You're a very sweet girl, just need to wait a little for your prince. :)"
thanks whoever u are(: dats really super sweet okay?(:
& can u like tell me who u are? im kaypoh. HAHAHAHAHA!!
SECRET ADMIRER!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! ok, im definitely kidding. bt i noe whoever dat is probably noes me. so = noes dat im thickskin. so = i CAN thickskin in my blog. HAHAHAHAHA!!
okay. muz hand up report by 2morrow. wth rite. totally agreed. ponned wif glenn 2 do. he's super alot more productive den me. wth rite. im dead larh.
okay. BYE!
& 2 my sister arh, im over him already larhhh(:
& den 2day on msn:
SP:i am bored. you know bored? yes that. wonder why it's called bored. must be some BALD person who invented it.
then he went on: i feel like eating. do you feel like eating?
then: why are you called melissa, why not smelissa? i would like that name better.
& in class:
ishir: class, are u all confused?
class *silence*
ishir: ... gerald are you confused?
gerald: huh? ya. but im always confused. so its okay.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! gerald is a joke=D
Saturday, November 13, 2010
but 1 thing's for sure.
im totally in the "lonely and wants a bf" mood.
oh man. & i thought i was like OVER IT~
once in awhile i'll get this feeling
haix but what's the POINTTTT.
hahas. despos club outing next wednesday♥
longs 2 be one half of a couple. oh well~
!! MAYBE IM ACTUALLY DESTINED TO BE SINGLE!! OMG!! i'll seriously cry myself 2 bed everynite.
HAHA but i guess sometimes i'll really wonder: why no1 like me ah?
i noe i noe, its like a damn weird thing 2 wonder. but i bet every1 has wondered dat at least once? either dat or they're so desirable they dont needa wonder. they haf people queueing up u'kno.
whenever i think of the whole "why no1 like me ah?" kinda thing, it erodes my self confidence and i get so down=(
ok on a cheerier sidenote, wednesday i actually went sch 2 do report wif my darlings(:
actually was ubin cycling. den school jogging. jog = oni me & zg = weird = cancelled
thus in de end was report.
den i went 2 find them at causeway foodcourt. i shocked sia. zg tell me oni gt him & sz. i reached gt siewping sz zg dedrick
like eh?
hahahahas. but anyway. den we went school. den did abit if report. den internet down cuz gt ut!
so i watched legend of the fist. now really dat awesome seriously. even the fighting i didnt really enjoy. the whole "trying 2 act like bruce lee" kinda thing sorta turns me off?
den deanna reached! wif nasi lemak from changi. cuz she came from ubin. she had 2 go thr 4 fyp. so zg "ordered" nasi lemak. HAHA!! den they went outside library 2 eat
after aehile she went off tho. busy woman=D she went 2 meet her frenz
pvzed awhile. den slacked alot. den did ABIT of report
den dinnered wif my darlings!
sz went home tho
my carrot cake♥
den bus-ed home wif de 2 little idiots again. HAHAHAHA!! ok i seriously missed it!
but didnt talk much. HAHAHAHA
funny hor. finally get 2 crap wif them den didnt talk much. i seriously didnt noe wad 2 say. HAHA but still, felt comfortable wif them.
ok den home sweet home
ok & im still having my despo mood.
Friday, November 12, 2010
de 1 who fanned me wif a ws after i had a coughing fit. de 1 who always asking me 2 drink de sea coconut? 4 my cough
basically, the one who's always marking math wif me.
de 1 who reminds me of dine.
HAHA!! ok i sound abit sick. like as if i like her or something
but anyway im talking 2 her on fb & i put *faints*
den dunno y fb chat *faints* become bolded
den i was like EH! IT BECAME BOLD-ED!
den she oso amused. she oso ask like how i made it bold
HAHA. ok seriously, i love her. as a friend and colleague ok.
im not a lesbian. i think im really sensitive over this. alot of people used 2 think i was like les?
juz cuz i dont have bf dun mean im les ok. it doesnt work DAT way.
anyway dats not the point. the point is i really treasure and appreciate her(:
of cuz i love de rest of my colleagues as well!!
cuz i haf awesome colleagues
awesome kids at work
no complaints abt work! loove it(:
i would love to:
catch a beautiful rainbow.
rainbows really are like. omg. such a beautiful yet rare sight. treasured.

catch a sunset with beloved people(:
i think its so romantic(:

stargaze and wish upon shooting stars/ the first star i see.
in some countryish place where the night sky is filled with stars (and not with airplanes where we pretend that are stars=p tho i do like the song)

play in the rain again, like when i was young(:
splash around in puddles, get totally drenched and play catching

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
the korean kid superly cute la.
ask him do number board he guaiguai do finish. den keep everything. WITHOUT RECORDING HIS TIME. HAHAHAHAHA!!
den i stunned. ask him: u never record?
den he juz stare at me. omg so cutee
after dat he was sitting at his table. he had nothing 2 do. ask him go see teacher already he didnt.
he went 2 poke his eraser wif his pencil & help his eraser squeal. OMG SUPER CUTE!! couldn't help but laugh. HAHAHAHA!!
then he went 2 squash his face on the table & started singing if im not wrong. OMG so cute!! den i went 2 his table & told him "u can go see teacher already leh. why u dont wanna go ah?"
den he grin at me & went off. omg. *heart melts*
den another of my favouritest kid, girl.
she normally really quiet 1. i smile at her she wont smile at me 1. cuz she's shy.
den 2day i smile at her she gt smile back at me!!
den i veh happy alr
den after dat she had 1 set of corrections.
den i passed it 2 her den she was like "HUH. corrections AGAIN?"
HAHA, tho it was her 1st and oni corrections 2day.
den she ran off 2 do & came back. den ask her do some additions infront of me
den she did. normally she answers very softly. 2day louder. me lioke!
den after dat ask her go sweep table. den i was telling eileen she's 1 of my fav. den i told eileen "the one in pink"
den eileen was like "dat 1 pink meh?"
so when she came over 2 throw thing i ask her "*name*, is ur shirt pink?"
den she say no!!! =(
den she say my eye gt problem. HAHAHAHA!!
in a joking way of cuz!
but i was super happy. she's normally so quiet! she so high i veh happy. ON CLOUD NINE!!
& den dat yq veh bad. sad de korean kid de face like biscuit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! bt he is OH-SO-CUTE!! HAHA!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
i really dunno wad im gonna blog abt. seriously. juz haf a craving 2 shout 2 de whole world dat i feel like having a bf. bt cant on fb u'kno. later people stumbled & all.
but seriously. i really haf de craving.
HAHA!! as i was randomly telling eileen dat day, i wanna walk in de rain (under an umbrella) wif my future bf. muahaha. ok. so random hor. walking in the rain (without an umbrella) sounds more romantic. but later fall sick ah. HAHA!! ok. this totally takes all romance outta dat?
anyway. & i was oso saying. i wan my future bf 2 surprise me by fetching me from work once in awhile. HAHA!!
bt once in awhile oni. everyday later de novelty wear off or smt. HAHA!! SURPRISE is de keyword. HAHAHAHA!!
ok. i dunno why im thinkin so much. its nt like im gonna get attached or anything. but a small part of me really longs 2 be part of a couple. not juz single.
tho of cuz being single is like really omg-ishly WOSOME! HAHA!! i like 2 say wosome. instead of awesome. HAHA!!
but i juz feel like. dunno. having some1 2 rant everything and anything 2. 2 hit when im down (ops=X poor future bf?) 2 msg when im real bored.
HAHA!! 2 poison wif my cooking? HAHAHAHA!! ok. random
anyway in essence, i really wish 4 a bf rite now. HAHA!!
when you are single all u see is happy couples and when you are in a relationship all you see is happy singles.
Monday, November 8, 2010
seriously lotsa people having bdaes!! like i haf..
5 people i noe whose bdae is in this week?
shreedhee-3rd nov
dedrick-4th nov
zg-5th nov
cheryl&jolene-6th nov
SERIOUSLY?! broke week. HAHA!!
but anyway~ this blogpost is specially 4 the 2 crazy guys in my clique.
whose bdae is like 1 after another. who both suan each other for being animals (1 pig 1 goat. cuz of surnames.)
& 2 guys whom i really love wif all my heart
ok. but i mean as frenz ok. seriously. gotta make sure dat point gets across
here's de pic of those 2 idiots. little idiots. HAHA!!

i remember when i wasn't workin at kumon, when we go jogging, after jogging we would all take 969 from woodlands inter 2gether!!
& seriously, i loved those times! when i FINALLY wont get the whole "dedrick and melissa" thing jammed down my throat again & where de 3 of us really get 2 talk.
tho zg sometimes starts. & den we'll juz stare at him & gif him de -.- face. & den ignore him awhile. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
but ok la, i noe my clique loves me! tho they kajiao me wif dedrick & i used 2 get so pekchek over it.
& on de busrides we'll talk about really random stuffs, about not very deep but i guess still abit deep stuffs, joking and laughing throughout the busride
& sometimes i'll get so sad when yishun comes
HAHAHAHAHA!! but ok. needa get home ok. late alr.
ya. sometimes they nuts 1. so late alr still take 969. its longer leh.
i assume its cuz they enjoy de busride as much as i do! HAHA!!
i remember once when i didnt noe they were gonna take 969. & den i walked alone 2 de lining up place. & when i walk in & turned, they were behind me! (ok zg climbed over de railings & de in infront of me, dat idiot-.-)
but ok dat time i felt so loved(:
(& of cuz really shocked)
ok anyway!
bdae celebration part. i shall stop doing the "xiang dang nian" thing cuz i'll never take 969 back wif them ever again. not as long as im working in kumon. which is sorta sad.
i miss hanging out wif my clique. miss it like crap. i miss nt interacting wif them. not crapping wif them. not having lame inside jokes wif them. =(
so on 4th nov, which is dedrick's bdae, we plan 2 go out in de evening cuz fri no sch!(:
& deanna & dedrick bought me yougurt & went up 2 my class!! & cuz naoto in my class, deanna told him its dedrick's bdae. & he misunderstood & thought its brendan's.i dunno how oso. but anyway.
went home, bathed & went out 2 meet them
& i thought i was gonna be late. in de end im like de FIRST.
den siewping & sz stuck in traffic jam at highway. cuz they bus 2 somerset.
den zg reaching. so waited 4 him at control station.
den after he FINALLY reached, i suan him saying he late. den he told me he walked on de memorable stairs. HAHAHAHAHA!! yeps, de super memorable stairs, whr we hobbled up. HAHA!! whenever i see the stairs i think of de run. haha!!(:
den he told me dedrick mia. so we went off 2 orchard central. halfway kerenia called. met her at forever 21 thr.
den went off 2 orchard central. den jasper, sz, siewping reached. & bernard & his frenz
& we went everything with fries!
den dedrick reached.
den bought food & ate etc.
den off 2 clarke quay 2 find deanna! she met us thr cuz she buy cake etc.
she went 2 rush 2 get cardcoards 2 do de guy's signs and everything!!
den force them wear de signs in the pic. de bdae boy thing.
& she did de book thing 4 them. its really lovely!!(:
the 2 bdae boys veh sweet tho! when they went 2 change into de shirts we bought them, they oso went 2 sticky & bought 2 jars of sweets. when they returned & put on de table we were like REALLY shocked! HAHAHAH!!
den we tooks lotsa pics!
& off 2 a pub 2 cut cake. i dunno de name, but it felt cosy thr(:
but after cutting siewping sz & i went off.
i sorta regret it now tho. i wished i'd stayed. cuz now im missing them like crap.
but i scared my mum worry la. tho she lets me stay out late, but most of de time she wont sleep well till im home.
& i walked into my blocks alone! cuz siewping's daddy didnt turn in cuz he didnt noe, so i decided 2 walk in. & it was scary! but ya, thank God there were lotsa cars coming in & outta de carpark. dunno y oso.
bt it was scary cuz it was 2 schools i had 2 walk pass
yups but i made it!!
& yes my mom wasn't asleep yet-.-
happy bdae dedrick & zg!
thanks 4 being such awesome frenz. ur craps always make me laugh!
please go jogging wif me more! cuz i miss jogging!! HAHA!!
& happy 19th 2 zg & happy 20th 2 dedrick!!
i miss my cliqueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ seriously alot. i dunno y. these few days oni. been missing them in a random way. like i'll be walkin somewhr & sudenly miss them.
i'll be doing something & suddenly miss them
i've never missed them liddat before u'kno
sorta scares me. cuz i miss them so much it hurtss
& its a miss in such a way dat i feel im nt gonna see them again kinda thing. like de "graduate & never keep in contact" kinda thing.
so ya. im really quite scared
ok ending in a weird random way: i totally feel like having a bf. HAHA!! random?
ok bye(:
Friday, November 5, 2010
for buying me yougurt in 1st break! seriously, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
for bringing me herbal drink and herbal candy. THANK YOUUU!!
my beloved dumbs lehz(: THANKS FOR THE HONEY LEMON!! & i miss u both like crap ok!
2day, i really felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loved(:
thanks all!
i really felt like crying when candace popped over tho. cuz it was really so unexpected & all. & really sweet maximum!!
im such a blessed girl(:
lovely frenz, lovely clique, lovely job, lovely colleagues
omg. (:
hahas(: dats of cuz when i focus on the rite things(:
those who noe will understand
but yes, the FACT is dat i haf awesome frenz(:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
a japanese kid sat beside a korean kid
& they're both SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!! both haf babie fats & they look blur most of the time.
& de japanese kid was kajiaoing the korean kid while the korean kid was trying 2 do his work.
& after dat they were talking.
its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WONDERFUL 2 SEE THEM!! seriously, they're so cute!!
they're both very soft spoken kids, & i love them(:
but u noe wad? my ears are OPEN.
wont u let me noe wad's going on in ur life?
ur struggles? ur problems?
i cant help but feel dat it's so 1-sided..
i throw everything out 2 u & u try 2 help me. but i cant help but feel useless and helpless when i noe nothing about wad's going on in your life, and when i cant help.
Monday, November 1, 2010
ok i wasnt SORTA down. i was VERY VERY SUPER DUPERLY down
but dats ok cuz after a good cry, a warm shower, nice comfy bed, and a good nite's sleep, things looked sooooooooooooo much better in the morning(:
EVEN THOUGH i had 2 wake up early on a saturday 2 go work.
jinghao msned me on friday nite saying he readmy blog AND he went 2 emphasize dat i felt loved cuz dedrick smiled at me (SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE MADE ME FEEL LOVED HE GO ZOOM IN ON DEDRICK-.-)
& den so now, im gonna blog abt wad jinghao did dat touched me, OKAY?
this is so super random?
cuz i went offline & 4got 2 say bye 2 him & my another fren
so i smsed them saying sorrie etc, dat i 4gt 2 say bye
(keep in mind i was feeling like crap already, wif my sickness & emotionally really down)
& den jinghao replied something along the lines of "its ok" and wif a smiley face and then a "take care"
& u had better see this post. HAHAHAHA!!
ok but seriously? i really appreciated it. cuz he didnt at all noe dat i was down. bt his reply really cheered me up(: his simple msg telling me its ok & 2 take care really touched me!(:
thank you iceman!!(: seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? u cheered me up leh? honoured anot? ur name ONLY LEH! no1 else's! HAHAHAHA!!
his reply really cheered me up especially since my fren replied me something else which made me really feel like crying even more. but its ok, im gonna stay strong, and i'll not contact my fren unless he contacts me(:
and no, i was thinking of him recently but after dat sms, i think i'll leave it as such. tho he's always been a source of encouragement 4 me when im feeling the down-est. its quite ironic isnt it?
dat he's always there JUST when i needed some1 2 talk 2. when im real down suddenly he juz pops up. & when im okay again he drifts away.
im really thankful 4 all de times he listened & gave me advice & such.
but ya. this time it really hurts, so. ya. i wont be contacting you in awhile(:
u wouldn't even tell me anything abt ur new relationship status when i poured my heart out 2 u abt who i liked.
hahas. guess this frenship is 1 sided. whereby u juz wanna noe "gossips" abt me & den when i ask u u tell me "not telling!"
i dont noe whether its 4 fun or not. but im taking it at face value. dat u're not telling. since u caps ur words anyway?
& no, i dont think i always sign 0ut wifout telling u. & u said "always"
i dont think so. even if it happened most of the time, it does not fit "ALWAYS"
& u'kno wad? caps-ing ur words might give the wrong impression. u might not have meant it in a rude way, but dat's the feeling i get when i read ur text, okay?
& the reason why i dare 2 say so much is cuz he doesn't read my blog.
if he does, i think de frenship's gone. cuz it would be obvious 2 him.
anyway, its not dat i dont treasure the frenship, cuz i do.
its juz dat he happened 2 kick me when im already down, albeit unknowingly.
but still, the tone didn't sound jokingly
oh well. who noes?
at the end of the day,
thanks jinghao! felt so loved!
& thanks 2 my colleagues(: i love them & im really thankful 2 work wif them!
they're mostly younger den me, but they tell me not 2 eat fast foods etc. 2 drink more water, 2 try de sea coconut thing etc.
& yes, i really love them(:
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Dear sickness,
Why don't you just kill me? I personally feel that it is a better option as compared to torturing me.
Love, Me.
i HATE my cough ok. it's really getting on my nerves. i hate my body.
on a sidenote, i really felt very loved yesterday
was after school & i went wif brendan (he same class as me) 2 find de rest.
so they were at e5 thr. & i went thr 2 find them
den when i reached & saw them (they hadn't seen me) i shouted "HELLOOO!!"
& den kerenia & dedrick heard & turned & gave me smiles!=D
den siewping saw me & she shouted "MEL!" & waved frantically (ok i wont really say frantically. but i dont know how 2 describe. waved energetically?)
& den deanna saw me & said "MEL!! I MISS U!"
yeps, i totally felt loved by all their random actions♥
Friday, October 29, 2010
totally agrees wif it!!
Age 4: we think: Mom knows everything!
At 8: Mom knows a lot!
At 12: Mom doesn't really know everything..
At 14: Mom doesn't know anything.
At 16: Mom doesn't exist......
At 18: She's old fashioned.
At 25: Maybe mom does know about this!
At 35: Before we decide, let's ask mom.
At 45: Wonder what mom thinks about this.
At 75: I wish I could ask mom about this..
i have the best mum in the world!! to me anyway!♥
i loooove my mama!!♥
but seriously? my mom doesnt fit EVERYTHING. my mom's 1 of my closest confidants(:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
你不知道的事, Only me when i'm with you, you belong with me
seriously, i really love them!
你不知道的事's cuz i heard it being played in the library piano 2day. & had a bad craving 2 listen 2 it. hahas. so listened 2 it on repeat
den i missed taylor's songs. especially those 2
ESPECIALLY only me when i'm with you!!
brings back fond memories(:
whenever i listen 2 dat song, it brings me back 2 when i was having attachment at PUB
when i was still in tings cg
when i had a crazily awesome time in genting wif a crazily awesome clique
when i went out alot wif my dearest dumbs!♥
when i went out wif my bestie pam too!
miss those times like crap.
when i felt like myself
i think some things really make me go "aww"
or nod in agreement
so since fb page will change everyday, so i decided 2 blog them up, so when im old & grey i can look back and nod again. HAHA!!
It's impossible." said pride.
"It's risky." said experience.
"It's pointless." said reason.
"Give it a try." whispered the heart♥
Dear Brain, sorry for overloading you.
Dear Tummy, sorry for the butterflies.
Dear Pillow, sorry for the tears.
Dear Heart, sorry for all the damage..
We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart?
Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find♥
Someone asked me,
"Why do you love him so much?"
But before i could even reply
My best friend put her hand over my mouth, and said..
"Don't even get her started."
There's always gonna be that one boy, who drives you insane, is a huge pain in the ass, you get angry at him for the stupidest things, act like a bitch towards him for no reason.. but deep down you'll always love him♥
me: i don't like him, i don't like him i don't like him, i don't like him, i don't like him.
friend: yes you do.
me: (sigh) i know:(
What is love?
In math, a problem. In history, a battle. In science, it's a reaction. In art, it's a ♥. But to me? Love always will and simply be YOU. ♥
den he tell me nvm, he see alot of potential big walkers.

den de race started!! ran off. den zg suddenly stop. his pants loose-.- hahas so he stopped 2 tie while i ran off. he gonna overtake me anyway! might as well get a headstart rite!
den we decided 2 go like ALL DE WAY 2 suntec 2 eat.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
so i shall(:
anyway, sunday (17oct 2010) was my realrun!! 10km!! my 1st 10km run!! so proud of myself!! *pats back* goodjob mel! goodjob!!(:
it was really tiring!!
but here's my timing!!
Start time:
1st checkpoint:
Rank at 1st checkpoint:
2nd checkpoint:
Rank at 2nd checkpoint:
3rd checkpoint:
End time:
seriously!! HAHA!! (okay anyway "3rd checkpoint" is basically the net time taken. means my end time minus my start time cuz we started late cuz we were waay behind. so we heard de race start & den we were stuck behind.
anyway! im really proud of myself!! & as u can see, my rank improved!! (de 377 is my final rank, and u can see from 1st checkpoint till 2nd checkpoint i improved!! HAPPY!!)
sprinted the last 200m & seriously, its really the most awesome feeling ever!! the feeling of crossing the finishing line is really omg-ish-ly awesome!!
went 2 find de rest at the place were we said to meet. HAHA!! i was SOOOOOOOO HAPPY DAT I FINISHED THE RUN!!
seriously, nt easy 4 me since i've NEVER run 10km before. never trained dat much b4. at most when ran wif de rest was like 6km or something.
so its really a feat!!(:
& den collected my bag from bag deposit. & checked my hp(:
bt no i didnt go find my fren cuz he refused 2 come find me! ya seriously i did wanna see him bt no. i aint gonna go find him. especially when I was tied up and HE wasnt?! no way man. hahas
den collected my race goodies!! HAPPY!! & de wonders of being tiny. XS queue was so short! M and L were like winding all around. had 2 wait 4 de rest(:
pics up on fb! lazy 2 post them up.
& dat jinghao ah. cuz we had terrain which was sand. & his shoe had sand in it (we all had)
he went 2 shake the sand onto my shoe bag!! HAHA!! started whacking him.
he sotsot already.
bt anyway!
den we went off 2 washup etc. de guys washup. i didnt. how 2 sia. i seriously dunno.
brendan went off by den. he went off 1st. dunno y tho.
den jinghao lend me his spray deodorant. i didnt noe how 2 use it den i was trying 2 figure it out den he sian diao, grabbed the can away from my hands & spray my back.
den i scream
den he spray my arm.
den i laugh
den he spray my another arm
den i laugh and scream
den after dat was lining up 4 de shuttle bus back 2 pasir ris!
damn super duper long
i rested on de bus, was really tired!!
woke up at 415 ma.
den went foodcourt eat. couldnt even eat nice food. ate fishball noodles.HAHA!! super bland.
den every1 went their seperate ways alr. went wif zg & dedrick cuz had 2 collect racebib 4 nikerun wif zg. so went his house bathe.
he veh idiot l0r. never tell me his house gt 1 clock spoilt. den de clock look so nice so i keep lookin at it 4 de time. den it was 11+
so i thought 2 bathe faster incase the water hot ma. u'kno, noon time veh hot ma.
den after dat i hijacked his com 2 use & refused 2 bathe 1st. so he go bathe. den i see de time still 11+?!
den see his com time. it was 2plus-.- wad theeeee!
den we went off 2 get our nikerun stuff. he pig. i tell him i noe whr is orchard central he refuse 2 believe. den try 2 google search. go dunno whr. nt even singapore.
den he finally believe me, den say 1st time i useful.
o. we climbed stairs like 2 old people liddat. de mrt station there de. really like sore!!
bt now mine okay. muahaha. see my recovery so good. confirm means im gonna beat him.
ok bt i cant la. bt i really hope 2 better my timing!! i canNOT do worse. bt im juz afraid i cant.
see how ba=D
sun nite still hadda go grandma house 4 grandpa bdae. in de end didnt eat much & didnt sing bdae song 4 him cuz de incense in the house made me cough nonstop had 2 go outta de house 2 hide from the choke-i-ness. something liddat? cuz it irritated my airway.
& my fren sent me my timing and helped me check all de rest de timings so i sent them de timings. so sweet?(:
HAHA. okay. anyway, nitez(:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
1stly was a preschooler who was waiting 4 his parents 2 come fetch him.
he is super cute, smart but real naughty
den he was wandering around instead of sitting down 2 wait
den he walked near the door & de door opened & more students came in
den he "ah!" & stood there staring at them. SERIOUSLY CUTE!! especially since he's so small and de kids coming in were much bigger den him.
after dat he was asked 2 SIT DOWN and wait 4 his parents. den i heard him saying "teacher can you read to me pleasee?"
omg so cute!!(:
2ndly was a preschooler came in, small boyboy.
den after dat the teacher told him "take off ur shoes~"
den he started adjusting his pants
den she was like "ask u take off ur shoes, not ur shorts!"
HAHA & den i laughed aloud=X
AHAHAHA bt it was really funny!!
3rdly was a kid was doing his work. den suddenly he said (in quite a loud voice) "COCKROACH LEG!"
den the WHOLE room turned quiet & turned 2 look at him
den my colleagues & i were wondering whether its eraser dust anot (i mean, if gt cockroach leg means needa haf cockroach rite? & there's obviously no cockroach ma)
den after dat the teacher went 2 see & laughed & said it was eraser dust.
laughed like mad!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
ok seriously, i quite enjoy work now(:
except the waking up early on saturday part. HAHAHAHA!!
needs my sleep man.
2morrow, realrun! hope i get better & hope i run well!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
so i coughed like mad for quite a long time, and my colleague beside me was really quite shocked
& den she was asking me stuffs & i was trying 2 answer. HAHA!! quite funny. den another colleague ask me whether its tuberculosis. HAHA!! 2nd person ok.
anyway, after dat i coughed till i really sweated alot & my neck was rashy.
& my colleague was like aiyo.. u cough till ur neck red already leh
den she took the worksheet she was marking and started fanning me wif it (HAHA she's like supposed 2 mark it asap de l0r!!)
& seriously, i really felt so loved(:
tho actually i shouldn't be fanned cuz it would be colder & i would cough more (bt i didnt, coughing fit was over), but i seriously think its so sweet of her!!
& i dont even noe my colleagues very well, yet they care so much.
yes, i seriously felt very loved 2day at work.
thanks LY!!♥
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
school is a horror. seriously
i coughed like nobody's business, cough ever other second and all dat. someone talk i confirm cough. really i dun wan de l0r. i think its rude but i really cant control
den i had my horribly painful stomachaches again. not been having them for really long.
in de end it was explosive diarrhea at home. but dats not the point
den after dat was work. like hell
my stomach was still painful like crap
& den coughing like really mad
like seriously.
i really cant stand it anymore. its making me lose sleep, and my appetite. really bad.
like HELLO? im skinny enough already please. i dont NEED loss of appetite.
really bad this time
eileen's coming 2 work on friday(:
but im really worried. wad if i dont recover? den i think i would wanna stop for awhile. yet they're getting shorthanded i think
owell. see how. cuz i really dont wanna spread it 2 de kids.
& 2day i was telling me mom: "there's this kid at (the place i work), she's really very cute! she's always smiling and her hairstyle is so cute!! short hair, and her face is so adorable!!(:
and she's really ALWAYS smiling. how come she always seem so happy? how come i dont ever seem happy nowadays?"
really got me quite sad actually. how come? how come kids are so cheerful and all?
my mom replied saying i was really a happy kid when i was young (ya & a veh naughty 1 as well)
i wish i didnt grow up. haix.
Monday, October 11, 2010
ever since sunday when i went jogging wif de 3 of them
see doc twice already sia
anyway saturday was work & on friday i had really bad sorethroat.
like couldnt really swallow.
& i was feeling so sick i really didnt wanna go 2 work at all
but in de end still gotta rite?
unless i lose my voice (which i was really hoping i would)
but anyway i reached
& they put me in grp2. meaning, preschoolers.
i mean yes they're cute but i noe its gonna be super tough handling them
a colleague was 2 help me 0ut (she did all de major stuffs, i took oni 3 kids she took the rest, abt 7 kids)
it was HELL.
i took 1 girl rite b4 my lunch. so when she leaves (abt 1245), i can go lunch.
she talks ALOT.
seriously ALOT.
she told me she's having flu, den say her brother having flu, den after dat say her finger pain, den show me her finger, de nail injured.
den after dat she go wash hand
den wash already dry her hand den say she use soap etcetc
den after dat she went 2 throw de tissue & talked 2 dat STUPID OLD AUNTIE THERE WHO DOESNT DO WORK
& den she came back & told me abt her mechanical pencil
den show me de price den write de price on her classwork
den i ask her 2 do classwork she go take out her ruler & ask me whether i noe who gif her
den i say dunno she starts telling me her church gif, she dance at her church blahblahblah
after dat i finally managed 2 escape at abt 1, & went 2 find my colleagues who were lunching
immediately started complaining!!
i seriously dislike teaching grp2. cute from far.
now i like marking math de most. english sucks oso, wif de auntie.
i saturday assigned 2 preschoolers i went 2 help english still cannot.
like hello? u go ard help de students for wad? its independant learning duh~
oni wanna slack oni. mark oso mark so long
i help u mark still say i mark wrong ask me 2 ammend. wad the?!
den always "i HINGE him i HINGE him" speak properly la asshole.
URGH hates her.
i was having a fricking headache already, still helping 2 mark english den can hear her annoying voice teaching de kids.
buay tahan
after dat went 2 see doc at silver cross
WTHHH expensive max
doctor's PROFESSIONAL fees alone, 28bucks
wth rite?! even tho de doc goodlooking la ah, but it doesnt justify for the hefty amount?!
i wouldnt pay so much more juz cuz he goodlooking?! too bad de doc i always go 2 was closed.
but pam once told me dat she go see silvercross den veh fast recover. hope its de same 4 me!
cuz i needa recover by next sunday 17oct so i can go de run. realrun. else my mom wont allow=(
den went home sleep, dinner, den sleep again
cannot tahan. still sick now=(
& yes, my new classes seem veh shitty. damn leo. our last sem still dun wanna let us enjoy. urgh. pissed sia. i HATE RP.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
saturday deanna has bbq but i didnt go cuz i had ushering (meaning i'll reach veh late) and den i cant reach home too late (meaning i cant stay for long). add in the time taken 2 travel i would probably be *reach* HI! then like 30mins later gtg alr.
anyway, den sunday a bunch of us went 2 collect out race bibs for the realrun run.
4 of us
zg reached novena first. den he went 2 walkwalk cuz every1 was late
i reached at like 310. bt couldnt find him cuz he was walking ard. & cuz i couldn't hear him on my phone (i think my phone really getting old & abit defective) so i had 2 wander ard de mrt station till he came.
he dumbo, go tap my shoulder den run off. i turn immediately see him running off 2 hide behind a pillar-.-
so of cuz i followed. den after dat we walkwalk ard cuz brendan & dedrick hadn't reached.
he go show me de shoes he like, den after dat nothing 2 do so went bk 2 eat. like pigs hor? nothing 2 do jiu eat. o.0
shared a meal, den brendan & dedrick reached
apparently they reached awhile before but didnt noe where we were (& didnt call?) & den waited downstairs or smt. till brendan came 2 ask where we were den they came up 2 find us
den we went 2 collect racebib.
collected 4 dat pig SP as well.
but didnt for jh cuz we didnt haf his form nor his ic.
den went 2 get some free dunno wad thing. feels abit gross 2 me. according 2 zg its like jelly liddat, something 2 like gif us energy 4 our run. i still think its gross.
den we went off 2 zg house 2 put our bags b4 going jogging
brendan went 2 see doc, but doc closed, but we waited 4 him at zg's house
watched tv!! i refuse 2 go change, keep asking every1 else 2 go change 1st cuz i wanted 2 watch de show. thought it end at 6 ma! so can watch awhile. in de end it ends at 630.
of cuz didnt watch till 630 l0r=(
went jog
jogjogjog den reach ecp.
sat on de nicenice grass & space out
seriously its a nice place 2 go to(:
veh relaxing(:
den we jogged back
raced zg abit, he was shocked dat i was almost beside him
den he like "wah!" den ran off faster
den made me laugh
so i slowed down while he speeded up-.-
hahas den went back 2 zg house, den take turns bathing
i force every1 2 bathe 1st. again. HAHAHAHA!!
den dinnered & den home(:
& den reached home, kept coughing
de whole nite cough cough cough
didnt sleep till 4 plus!! like omg.
finally slept, den 5plus wake up 2 pee-.-
den went back slp till 11plus
den my throat hurt
tried 2 talk & my voice was like super de duper hoarse
diee. how 2 go work liddat?
if i talk 2 de kids they'll freak out l0r?!
so called my mom telling her i'll go doc
& den i was so tired i lie down on the mattress in the living room & slept abt 45mins
den dragged myself up 2 prepare 2 go see doc
gt 2days mc, so 2days off from work. den bought my lunch & went back 2 eat
bought porridge. bt in de end didnt even eat half. no appetite
den ate meds & called my workplace
told them etcetc.
they say friday bring the mc let them see
so no work 2day & 2morrow.
2morrow still gt fyp.
i see how 1st
if my cough still bad i go lab no use, alvin'll chase me out i think.
later de cell culture lab beside kena contaminated sia.
see how 2morrow.
i dun think i can tho
but seriously see how ba
since i oni left little bit of supplement, cant test much oso. so still okay la.
& i had a short nap & den my throat is like cmi.
sometimes i really dont understand my dad.
obviously im sick (im coughing)
u heard my voice, u noe its bad
so obviously my throat hurts
so why keep asking me qns so i haf 2 keep answering?
& when i answer he doesnt even care, like my answer he doesnt even hear
but if i dun answer he'll ask again
wad is wrong wif him sia
my throat hurts like crap.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
after fyp.
i think its cuz im having my time of the month now, thus been quite cranky and been real tired.
having diarrhea yesterday didn't help of course. makes it worse.
seriously, been really exhausted after fyp. muz be no stamina already or something lah.
i got dog tired after everything!! even 2day, when i reached lab close to 11 and left at like 1230.
i was so tired dat after reaching home i juz KO on the bed till 415. had 2 wake up 2 go work.
but now i dun dread work that much anymore. dunno. muz be the kids and the colleagues!! so niice(: [of cuz there is an EXCEPTION]
i was SO tired i could barely keep my eyes open when going home. seriously. issit old age catching up or smt?
2day, wellington bear was so cute!! (read some posts back & u'll understand wads the reason behind calling the id wellington bear. hmm. duh. cuz he looks like him!! ok im talking 2 myself)
wellington bear finished his stuffs
so i told him "go sweep ur table, then u can go(:"
den he blurblur 1
den he "okay"
den he went 2 sit down at his table, den look at me
den i was thinking WHY ON EARTH is he sitting there when he can GO OFF?
den i made de sweeping motion 2 him
den he still sit there, blurblur stare at me
den i told him "ask u SWEEP ur table, not SIT AT ur table~"
& den my colleagues burst out laughing
i dun think de boss was exactly happy, mayb they think i bullying him, but seriously i didnt l0r. & i think he's so cute!!
den he swept his table & went 2 see the teacher
but he's damn cute!! everytime u ask him something he will "ahhhh..(then gives answer)"
VERY LONG!! & sometimes quite loud, but really makes me wanna laugh cuz its so cute!!♥
hahas okayokay
end of story
Thursday, September 30, 2010
not from fyp tho.
tho im abit sian-ed about having fyp, but seriously, i cant help but enjoy it when the work is fun(: its tiring but then its satisfying(:
but anyway. im really feeling burnt out.
i know why, but i'll kill myself before i say it here. not safe, i guess.
2day, planned well and good, to go swimming wif zg&sz already. after fyp. so was really quite excited and looking forward to it.
then when i reached school and went toilet, i realised my period came. pissed me off bigtime. seriously. cant even lemme swim before coming.
i noe its irrational to be angry at my body for something that is so routine but im in "that mood where every little thing pisses you off"
seriously. for the whole of this week, when everything seems to be dumped onto me or smt. or so i feel, tho i know its not true.
but seriously, no i don't wanna do any of that, can i say that? no i cant anyway. shit.
yes im really quite pissed.
okay shall not think too much cuz, it'll juz piss me off more.
anyway yesterday at work, a cute kid who came in came straight up to me (instead of preparin 2 submit his hw) and told me: "i know what is 3-1! 3=1 is equals to TWO!"
den he grinned at me & was ushered by the teacher back to put his hw in his folder & hand it up 2 me
den he went 2 take a pencil & came 2 me again, telling me "i got 2 fishes at home!!"
then he was (again) ushered back (this time by me) to do his work, but i smiled at him and nodded 2 his statement before ushering him back
he is soooooooooooooo cute!! always spacing out tho. needa call him once in awhile
he was playing wif eraser dust. den i was like "(name), do your workk~" and smiled at him
den he pulled up de eraser dust 2 lemme see & den grinned at me
hahahahahahas, super darn cute(:
den another kid told me she going malaysia, to see fireflies!! im super envious=(
& there's 1 really goodlooking boy in the class, who is really smart oso. enjoy seeing him cuz he's very vocal(:
& another girl oso, she's like 1 of my fav(:
okayy, at least i know 1 thing's for sure, kids make my day(:
but it doesnt help still.
i needa exercise more. but no motivation, no discipline.
& de run's nearing.
18days to realrun, 25days to nike run