Tuesday, December 23, 2008
its like 22dec 1130pm now &&& i haven written a SINGLE CARD
w0nderful rite?? &i wanted 2 write 4 the wh0le rp gr0up..DIE LIA0 LE LA MELISSA TAN!!
& i wanna write 4 north ppl as well..0h n000!!
&&& my dearest w45j-ians and w14a-ians, please wait 4 an EMAILED "card" 4 u all..actually it will juz b perhaps a sh0rt paragraph of h0w much u all mean 2 me..aww~
hahas l0ve u all..
the reason 4 the seas0n!! CHRISTmas
I WANNA USHER WIF SANTA HAT!! CEDRIC G0 GET SANTA HATS!!! HAHA he po0r thing..he dunn0 my bl0g s0 nvm wahaha^^
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
s0 anyway dis is regarding wad else other den MY BIG DAY!! hahas i turned 17 on 2dec!! mature 17!! wahaha!! 0kies actually not anymore mature,since im sure many will tag me 0n dat PARTICULAR WORD, mature
i went 2 sch00l[cognitive somemore,lucky g0t relief faci c0z sometimes im scared of my cognitive faci] and den everything like normal..
and hazlinda gave me a packet of p0tat0 chips~ thanks dear..im always snacking in class,like pig..o0
den rp gr0up already say g0t lunch,sometimes we haf lunch s0 thought nothing much ab0ut it, thought they 4g0t my bdae already,was disappointed but dats not the end of the story
anyway so during 1st break if im n0t wrong i didnt eat wif pam b0th break0uts[miracle]
weijian(w16b de,my neighbouring class de) super funny,his leg injured den cant walk properly ma,den he wanna pass me prezzie,he roll his chair out den ask tony 2 fetch him his bag,super funny sia!! den pass me the gift,thanks wor!! n0e u s0 short time den u buy me prezzie,thanks s0 much!!
and guess wad hadi gave me? he gave me tissue..HAHA super funny l0r he,he gave me pocket tissie,den the cover is..YELL0W~ hahas thanks hadi!!
den the class sing bdae song when the faci found out its my bdae..so paiseh l0r,the faci ask them 2 sing 1..EMBARASSED!!
den after dat 2nd break i went 2 find my bel0ved rp group,den guisiang t0ld me she n0t j0ining..den i was like "HUH!! GUISIANG N0T EATING UUHH?? sad=(" but im a nice nice girl so i went 4 the lunch..HAHA..den anyway so the people there were ruth,emily,michelle,michelle's fren,kai en,luke,nehe & ME!! hahas 0kies..den meet 4 lunch rite? ALM0ST ALL 0F THEM EAT ALREADY-.- so nevermind,luke ask me accompany him g0 buy stuff,i abit curi0us l0r,y me wor? anyway den pei him l0r..den after dat emily went 2 buy bread
den we forced nehe 2 say grace..h0h0~ keep pushing it back & forth,super funny..den nehe pray uh,halfway say "TO CELEBRATE MELISSA'S BDAE!!" shocked me luh..den somemore gs was hiding lor..bad gs..lie 2 me..HAHA..so touched..teared c0z i was so touched..
so i was eating the slice of strawberry cake,its nice..den rite i eating halfway,den kai en ask me nice anot,den of course i say nice la,since it is wad..guess wad? he told me: really ah? den u can buy it urself next time,juz buy from there de*points wif finger 2 nearby stall*
S0 BAD L0R!! of course he gt "scolded" by the others=p
g0t prezzie and card,thanks so much!! den after dat reached back class,ard 2 den dat..kasmi they all came in wif a waffle wif a sco0p of ice cream in top plus h0ney stars 0n top & den they sang the bdae song!! den kasmi presented me wif the beautiful card & the tshirt they bought 4 me!! thanks l0ads my bel0ved w16a,its really beautiful..almost cried
super unglam l0r when i eating the waffle..can u believe it?! I BROKE THE F0RK!! yes..& i had fun telling dine ab0ut it..h0h0..yes i AM DAT CLUMSY!! w0nder why im in the usher ministry..im super unglam,and like i said,i dun d0 makeup,i dun do skirts i dun do dress..& i dun do glam either..
den after school went 2 thomson..wanted 2 eat at a place pam wanted 2 show us but it was closed=( but b4 dat in class they showed me a slide show! of all my unglam pics-.- so mean
weijian was supposed 2 b joining us oso but his leg too pain cant j0in us..haix..nvm next time next time..
and i gt jigsaw puzzle of my face(so horrible lor dat 1,put me laugh like idiot) den pam gave me a card,still dare tell me she put a small pic of her own face oni so i will remember her..den aaron gave me ch0cs
den went 2 swensons 2 eat..den they[aaron pam tony] told me they bought cake..goodness,i didnt even realise tony was carrying it l0r!! shows how dumb i can get-.-
the food wasnt good..bleah..den the ice cream come i was so full i oni ate 1 marshmellow=(
den celebrated near my house void deck..den went back H0ME SWEET H0ME~
thanks dearies,really appreciate it..
& j0an told me she type properly the sms 2 send me on my bdae..den 12.10 plus plus den she haven send so she felt it would b very insincere so she didn't send it..silly la u j0an=p thanks th0!! l0ve ya l0ads!
not in any order:
w16a,rp group,pam,aaron,tony,weijian,weiloong[wahaha buddy=p],felicia,mariam,sunny,osn,my dad,kezia,kalai,fifi,soffie,vivien,and of course the usher team celebrated wif me ard 2weeks b4..
hey if any of u i 4gt please please please tell me..its nt dat i purposely 4gt u..its really unintentional..&&& sandra cute la she.she thought my bdae is 14dec..hahas^^
2 w16a: thanks loads dearies i was s0 touched!! i didn't cry la,but its like juz never fall 0ut oni..the tears..l0ve u all loads!!
2 rp group: thanks so much wor!! it was really unexpected..l0ve u all!!
2 pam,aaron,tony,weijian: thanks wor hahas it was unexpected,i mean..ya l0r juz unexpected but appreciated,l0ve u all oso!!
2 weiloong: wahaha buddy thanks!
2 felicia,mariam,sunny & osn: thanks loads..i really didnt expect it!! im s0rrie i always never wish u all!! s0rrie & thanks l0ve u all S0 MUCH!!
2 my dad: yea he wont c but thanks!! my family dun really celebrate bdaes,juz a dinner out at a restaurant,liddat oni
2 kalai,fifi,soffie: thanks loads dears,u all remembered!! s0rrie i dun rmb urs=(
2 vivien: yes u remembered^^ funny luh u=p thanks loads wor!! l0ve u!! miss u loads!!
2 the usher team: 0h man..u guys really shocked me..seriously..& i seriously l0ve u guys like crazy..c0z no longer serving in the same group le!! man im gonna miss all of u crazy=( thanks wor!! l0ve u all^^
yea dats all~
Saturday, December 13, 2008
thanks 4 always g0ing lunch wif me last minute, and even when u not even hungry!! thanks for always asking me 2 eat meds and everything!! thanks 4 all the care & concern & i really admire u 4 always being so brave through everything
l0ve u girl! happy belated-by-1-day bdae!!
pamela t0ld me it was her mom's colleague sent it 2 her m0m..
so anyway..i abit 4gt le la,s0 please pard0n me
s0 its a pers0n's bdae..den everybody is like having parties..den the s0me1 went into a house,den try 2 like hug the pers0n etc,den he g0t ignored..den he tried 2 shake the hand of another but den was os0 ign0red..den after dat he went int0 another house den tried 2 talk etc..den he was still ign0red..den he g0 others h0uses oso same response
are u w0ndering wad kinda weird st0ry this is?
the person whose bdae was dat day,is JESUS
and the celebration/event? its CHRISTMAS
yea..so now we always celebrate christmas w/o n0eing the true meaning..dats sad=(
and this is wad i found on the web
taken from (http://www.llerrah.com/truemeaningofchristmas.htm)
Just a week before Christmas I had a visitor. This is how it happened. I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out next to the fireplace.
"What are you doing?" I started to ask. The words choked up in my throat and I saw he had tears in his eyes. His usual jolly manner was gone. Gone was the eager, boisterous soul we all know. He then answered me with a simple statement . . ."TEACH THE CHILDREN!" I was puzzled. What did he mean? He anticipated my question and with one quick movement brought forth a miniature toy bag from behind the tree. As I stood bewildered, Santa said, "Teach the children!
Teach them the old meaning of Christmas. The meaning that now-a-days Christmas has forgotten. "Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR TREE and placed it before the mantle. "Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round, depicting the everlasting hope of mankind, all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward heaven."
He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. "Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise."
He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE. "Teach the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of He who displaces the darkness."
Once again he reached into his bag and removed a WREATH and placed it on the tree. "Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the real nature of love. Real love never ceases. Love is one continuous round of affection."
He then pulled from his bag an ORNAMENT of himself. "Teach the children that I, Santa Claus, symbolize the generosity and good will we feel during the month of December."
He then brought out a HOLLY LEAF. "Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our Savior. The red holly berries represent the blood shed by Him.
Next he pulled from his bag a GIFT and said, "Teach the children that God so loved the world that he gave his begotten son." Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.
Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a CANDY CANE and hung it on the tree. "Teach the children that the candy cane represents the shepherds' crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back strayed sheep to the flock. The candy cane is the symbol that we are our brother's keeper."
He reached in again and pulled out an ANGEL. "Teach the children that it was the angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men."
Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled out a BELL,. "Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return.
Santa looked back and was pleased. He looked back at me and I saw that the twinkle was back in his eyes. He said, "Remember, teach the children the true meaning of Christmas and do not put me in the center, for I am but a humble servant of the One that is, and I bow down to worship him, our LORD, our GOD."
the true meaning of Christmas..isn't it w0nderful?
Monday, December 8, 2008
HAPPY BDAE D0RIS!! yeayea,th0 u're 5 days y0unger den me but u very mature mature 1^^ & s0memore u alwaes d0 al0t of work den i slack here slack there=X
& u're very friendly!! th0 i g0tta admit i still dunn0 u very well=( but anyway~ happy 17th birthdae~ heehee^^
Saturday, November 29, 2008
s000..lemme tell u..when i reached h0me on m0nday, my parents t0ld me dat..
2 cutie hamsters escaped from the new cage!! 0ut of 4 g0t 2 escaped..actually g0t 3 escaped but 1 was caught easily so it was practically put back int0 the cage alm0st immediately,my dad caught it^^
s0 anyway the thing is dat 2 hamsters were still M.I.A..sad rite? den so we concluded: its either in the living ro0m or its in the ro0m my mom has the sewing machine etc[which we term "ma's ro0m"]
so we put out food etc in the living ro0m and in ma's ro0m..den we went 2 sleep at around 12 plus, c0z dats the time we finished putting 0ut the stuff, the fo0d and water etc etc
s0 we went 2 sleep..already very very super de duper tired already..
den at around 3 plus in the night,midnight,i moved my leg 2 the bott0m left of my bed,den funny, it was c0ld and super wet..
0H MY G0SH!! my aircon was dripping and thus it dripped on my bed..sad la..den i went 2 find my mom
i open the do0r..den right at the entrance of my sis & my bedro0m do0r..WAS A HAMSTER
guess wad i did..
i screamed [short 0ne..& n0t very l0ud] c0z i was super surprised and shocked..0f c0urse my dearie hamster started running away fr0m me..
den i cl0sed the do0r and calmed myelf d0wn l0r..since it was practically the shock of my life luh!!
so it went like: scream,shut the do0r,calm down,open do0r again
so dumb=P
s0 after i calmed down sufficiently i went 2 find my mom den she g0t a bucket 2 put so the flo0r wont be wet..den i t0ld my m0m i saw hummie[i call the hamsters hummie,my sis calls them hammie] den my mom decided 2 try & catch it..it ran SO FAST,we didnt manage 2..den s0 went 2 put the bucket 4 the aircon
i dun like the airc0n..it was my favourite blanket l0r!! i was so sad l0r!! c0z rite,dat blanket the picture cute cute 1,furthermore its warm warm 1..i like it^^
so anyway finally fell back asleep..
den juz the day before,my hamster was caught!! one oni..we haf no clue as to where the other 1 is..
my dad caught it wif a.....drum roll please~
A FISHNET.. power lah my dad..
so 1 more caught!! we str0ngly believe the other 1 escaped outta the h0use le..
Monday, November 24, 2008
yesterday i had usher duty,muz reach at 430,africa ro0m..i was late AGAIN!! i pr0mised myself i w0nt b late the next time,w0nt even be on time..i'll be EARLY!!
anyway..surprisingly,when i reached, they weren't in the midst of the 'who serves where' yet..weird..i was late..they were writing card..& i found out it was rachel's card..her bdae was 20n0v..abit late,but better late den never
den i n0ticed dat there were 2 cards..den i th0ught 2 myself..waah they muz haf bought 2 c0z to0 many things 2 write 4 her^^ c0z she's like super nice & friendly & everything^^
anywayyy so after dat when she came back from changing into the ushering clothes den started the 'who serves where' stuff..g0t 2 new ushers!! s0 co0l^^ felicia & hui ying..heehee^^
den anyway so after service,although i wasn't at wo0den do0r n0r glass do0r during the starting, which means after service i dun stand at the wo0den do0r saying 'bye see u next week!' etc etc..but c0z no1 stand at the wo0den do0r after service,so i was asked 2 stand there..fun th0..i enj0y it^^
& den after dat went back in 2 pick rubbish etc..i realise al0t of ppl thr0w bulletins away..hmph..so waste paper l0r..paper is preci0us can? keep it laa..i os0 keep mine..& at least recycle it la..very wasteful lehz..
den after dat was debrief time~ den the 2 new ushers shared their experiences..so co0l^^
den they suddenly ask rachel & me 2 stand in the middle..i super shocked [scared me lehz i thought i did something wr0ng,but cant b c0z g0t rachel ma..]
den suddenly they say 'lets sing a bdae s0ng 4 the 2 of them!'
super duper touched..really felt like crying la..i mean..h0w long i n0e them? ok..counting the time since i noe them till now,its ard 9weeks..but i oni serve wif them the 3rd week oni..& they d0 such a sweet thing..super touched..
den after dat g0t affirmation etc,0f course mine little,c0z dunno each other well..but glad^^ hui min thought i was a quiet girl..YAY!!
but den after dat cedric had 2 spoil it by saying im not,s0memore muz mention my noisy partner,aka ruth!! HAHA power,tsk..he spoilt my go0d girl image..HAHA^^
anyway i g0t a beautiful card fr0m them..l0ve cards..i simply l0ve words
guess wad? i almost lost it!! but lucky,shareen told me she was confirm i would be able 2 find it back..& REALLY!! I FOUND IT BACK!! thank God..it means al0t 2 me..
Friday, November 21, 2008
well i did say i was saying it short..c0z im so angry!!
firstly..my faci,is always late..its a miracle he was early 2day 4 1st break c0z we haf ut..pr0bably the reas0n why he is early 4 dis time's ut is c0z its enterprise ut
besides,he t0ld us 2 c0me back by 1130 and guess wad? yes,he came 2 class at 1154..we already say..by 12 if he dun c0me we will g0..den he came in at 1154 wif the LAMEST EXCUSE dat he is sick dats y-.-
oh rite,so? i had a super bad tummyache b4 scho0l & alm0st cried in the t0ilet c0z it was so painful..do u c me coming in halfway during ut saying i had tummyache s0 the time sh0uld be pushed back or something? den he sick den he push back our time..lucky i didnt get gastric th0^^
& dats n0t all..0h no..it d0esn't end so fast..during 3rd meeting,it starts at 230 4 us..so ok..we had our ppt d0ne since 1st break0ut anyway [since he decided 2 gif himself a 30min slacking time] den guess wad? he came at 3 & gave the very same excuse that he was sick dats y..ok granted,gif him the benefit of the doubt, say he IS sick..but he himself is not ollowing the school rules, and expects us to follow it..so angry..besides, if he sick why dun rush home after scho0l? still stay in my class so l0ng..
s0me classmates planning 2 write 2 the m0dule chair..initially i felt it was s0rta bad..but the more i think the more i feel dat it sh0uld b submitted..
my whole class was so angry during presentation almost all of us rushed through 0ur slides and super sian l0r we..& we kept d0ing the sign out & sign in thing,den hadi put 'hi faci' & edwin put something like 'nice 1'
i was amused by it c0z dats the 0ni interesting thing abt less0ns 2day,den the dumb faci asked us 2 st0p-.-
& if he finds my bl0g,den im seriously saying..to0 bad,besides i depend more on uts anyway,my daily grades aren't go0d..if he wanna fail me etc,i g0t n0thing 2 say..my class is my witness as 2 wad kinda attitude he gifs us
s0rrie i juz g0tta get it 0ut..i was seri0usly angry juz n0w,so angry i didn't even listen in class much,c0z i really cant stand it..4g0t 2 ask edwin 2 send me cs..c0z he say ne0pets is a lame game.HAHA^^
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
dis is how my star lo0ks like..

den ah..when kasmi came int0 class..she sh0wed the gr0up her lapt0p..see?

sadded..she beat me hands down=p cute luh she^^
behold!! the h0ttesrt guy in my class!! HAHA it was taken 4 ppt..HAHA super funny..c0mmunication..i laugh thru their whole ppt=p

Monday, November 17, 2008
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!
(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!
(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!
And Bingo was his name-o!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!
(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!
(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!
And Bingo was his name-o!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!
(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!
(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!
And Bingo was his name-o!
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
And Bingo was his name-o!
and DO YOUR EARS HANG LOW,shamini sent me..i dun sing it but i l0ve it to0^^
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them o'er your shoulder
like a continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears hang high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they droop when they are wet?
Do they stiffen when they're dry?
Can you semaphore your neighbour
with a minimum of labour?
Do your ears hang high?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Can you use them for a mop?
Are they stringy at the bottom?
Are they curly at the top?
Can you use them for a swatter?
Can you use them for a blotter?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Do your ears hang out?
Can you waggle them about?
Can you flip them up and down
as you fly around the town?
Can you shut them up for sure
when you hear an awful bore?
Do your ears hang out?
well,i seri0usly need s0me cute lame s0ngs 2 get me happy again & it seems little kids r normally happy[unless they dun get the toy they wan or the sweet they wan] so i decided 2 find some cute songs 2 make myself happy,like a kid
Saturday, November 15, 2008
i never wanted 2 see them again till i practically never saw them
i never wanted 2 hear their voices till i realised i miss their v0ices like crazy
i never liked their nagging till it ceased c0z i was 0utta their reach when i was s0mewhere else already
i never th0ught i missed them s0 much till i wanted 2 cry but it happened..ir0nic
i miss u all s0 much,n0rthland sec0ndary scho0l teachers!! im s0 glad u all c0me RP 4 s0me funny thing..i miss u all l0ads..
im missing nss teachers=(
Thursday, November 13, 2008
i n0e..many ppl wh0 c this will g0:wah s0 go0d!! i wish my faci so go0d!!
but den i was super sian..c0z i noe i confirm will b in the 'default' team de,by default those who aren't wanted will be gr0uped int0 1 team ma..although shamini asked me n0t 2 m0ve away,but i feel dat if i weren't sitting there i w0uldn't haf a gr0up..seriously..
i juz n0e it luh..im n0t some clever person or something anyway & i n0e im irritating..s0 whenever i hear "u wan 2 cho0se ur 0wn gr0up?" i will sigh & get dem0ralised..
it's demoralising but i haf 2 face facts la really.........
ok anyway my team 2day c0nsisted of shamini,s0nia,edwin and farhan..lemme share something..
2day my lappy suddenly restarted coz g0t some weird configuring thing,rp de la..so off 0NCE
den after dat i 0n le..starting it already
den after dat shamini joked about offing every1's plugs..i never put battery..den s0nia went 2 off c0z she didn't n0e i didnt put battery..den off
den i had 2 on again
den i was talking 2 hadi about some weird game thing they play wif the hand and a pen den edwin thought his was the one at the yellow switch..den he plugged mine out..den after dat he went 0MG! den he plugged it back and on again..all the time i was clueless c0z i wasn't facing them..
den i had 2 0n AGAIN..HAHA i t0ld edwin i'll pay him back=p
had module selection thingie..den went 2 eat ice kachang..lightning really al0t..scared me..c0z its really very bright,scary,near,and al0t..scary=(
now g0ing 2 d0 rj~
i really dunn0 wad 2 d0 lei..
oh rite..there was 1 day when 4 pe0ple,no..f0ur GUYS stepped on my RIGHT F0OT when i was 0n the bus-.- super irritating because 3 of them dun haf the basic manners 2 say a simple s0rrie..dun need 2 mean it wad..juz say it s0 i wont curse u la!! [0k kidding,i dun curse,im a nice gal^^ anyway curses might backfire,in sunny's case=p]
anyway..the thing is dat the 0ni 1 who stepped on my fo0t on the bus wh0 said sorrie,stepped the lightest..whew
by the way this p0st is n0t oni aimed at the pe0ple on the bus who didn't say s0rrie,im indirectly hinting at s0mething but it's alright,i juz need 2 get it out^^
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
seriously thanks s0 much,i really needed dat..the fun 0f running around the whole level trying 2 escape from azizi,the-guy-wif-the-unique-name=p
& of course its fun 2 hear the guys shouting and running away from 0ur bel0ved azizi^^
it was super fun..
thanks 4 proving my post abt n0t being cl0se wrong,tho i n0e its still n0t cl0se but its RP..juz n0e i l0ve u all<3
but the gr0up hug was super h0t-.- HAHA i really l0ve u all al0t<3
Monday, November 10, 2008
What Your Handwriting Says About You |
![]() You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person. You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical. You are very detail oriented and meticulous. You are a careful thinker and a true intellectual. You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well. You are a free thinker. You are unique, open minded, and artistic. You don't care what other people think. You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous. |
Friday, November 7, 2008
den al0t of ppl gave him al0t of nice suggestions^^
MY SUGGESTIONS!! [finally g0t 2 me HAHA]
im-sorrie-im-weird-but-i-cant-help-it.blogspot.com halo-im-hadi-n-i-suck-big-time.bs.com
i-wan-a-blog-name-which-is-long-n-here-it-is.blogspot.com i-dunno-wad-name-2-put-c0z-i-had-too-many-g00d-ideas.bs.com
im-a-lamer-n-i-enjoy-being-the-lamest i-like-the-tom-in-tom-and-jerry.bs.com
hadi-23years-of-age-with-3-years-of-maturity-level.blogspot.com some-gals-really-sucks-4ever-but-gals-in-w16a-rocks.blogspot.com
guys-r-complicated-creatures.blogspot.com im-gay-n-i-haf-alot-of-gay-partners.blogspot.com
i l0ve my class=) & 2day we locked al0t of ppl out den after dat hadi danced the U n I camp dance outside wif clara & another fren..recorded it..brought me alot of laughter..super cute luh my class<3
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
g0t al0t of reas0ns 4 dis post la but i shall oni point out 0ne~
last time we were super cl0se rite? & we had out class culture of hugs rite? everything changed..
it's like the unspoken rule: during these 16 weeks we xtra cl0se so we can d0 well and after the 16 weeks we juz leave each 0ther al0ne & please dun lo0k 4 me i dun wanna c u
wonderful rite? i see all the pe0ple online,even if we talk its so short,even if we talk its 4 ppts,even if we talk it ends within 10 sentences,or even less..
last time everytime u all tag my bl0g..etc etc..but now i c none except terence de..& its 2 kajiao me lor..HAHA..but thanks la mister fbt..HAHA..but now oso no haf le
wad was dat abt staying cl0se & everything? now when i c u all i noe better den 2 rush forward 4 a hug..coz i noe dat the response i'll get is the sian face,the "r u nuts?!" face, & certainly n0 hug
i cried like crazy,i miss u all like crazy..MISS,not MISSED..but i guess my misses were placed wrongly..
its like..16 weeks i'll stick wif u..den please leave me alone after dat & 16 weeks we're 2gether as a class,after dat we're no longer a class s0 i g0t nothing more 2 d0 wif u
its heartbreaking..& its n0t the oni 1 reas0n 4 my post..haix
Monday, November 3, 2008
SERIOUSLY!! had usher duty yesterday & ushers haf 2 put n make up-.- sad rite? poor me..but of course,i so pro at putting make up dat jolene had 2 help me put the dunn0 wad powder thingie & rachel had 2 help me put the eye thingie & the thing that makes the cheek look pinkish..
anyway so..usher duty was fun as usual^^ den during the sermon i went 2 sit at the area i was assigned 2..den my face was like super itchy..OH DID I MENTION DAT I HAF SENSITIVE SKIN?! hahas..so i was multi tasking during the serm0n.seriously..
during the sermon i was
-scratching my face-.-
power..every few minutes i had 2 scratch my face..c0z it was really itchy..i even had bumps on my face which itched after i put 0n the make up..=(
and den 0so..when pe0ple r nodding at the sermon,i nod and scratch my face-.- seriously itchy..mayb im allergic? hahas i really dunn0..either dat or im simply N0T used 2 having this weird thing called MAKE UP on my face=(
complain 2 cedric he dun believe me..HAHA..so bad rite?! no la actually its c0z im the oni weird 1 wif dis weird problem i think..=(
make up itches like crazy..my face g0t bumps which r itchy after i put on the make up=( & the bumps r still here tho its no longer itchy..thank G0d=)
Friday, October 31, 2008
a very sweet SEVENTEEN YEARS 0LD GAL..heehee ur age is 0ut my dear=p
J0AN!! known u 4 more den a year..close t0 2 years already..
it's been great noeing u!!
u always helped me thru my problems & u always gave me advice 2 my problems and oso helped me c them in a different way^^
& the 1 year plus minus when u were my shepherd was really memorable..^^
always say i unglam=p u oso wor..heehee..but u're 17 le,muz more ladylike le ok?=p
dunn0 how 2 say..but anyway thank u..u've helped me far more den u can ever imagine..& probably far more den u can imagine^^ thanks so much j0an!
thanks 4 all ur cards,they never fail 2 make me feel better,tho some makes me cry..but they are always full of encouragements for me & oso when i lo0k thru my hp i c some smses from u i never deleted,& sometimes it makes me sad=(
but i wanna tell u dat u r haf been a great shepherd 2 me & more den dat u haf been juz a simply a great sister 2 me..& a great listening ear..i remember when i would sms u like 12? & u would reply straightaway..thanks so much..it means so much 2 me^^
jiayou ok? l0ve u wor!^^
some pictures^^


yea..it's been a great 1 year plus,noeing u & everything..
HAPPY BDAE J0AN!! l0ve ya!! stay cheerful w0r!! c0z dats the j0an i noe,silly,always laughing,& sometimes blur^^
Friday, October 24, 2008
the holidays im gonna g0 chalet!! yayness!! tuesday and wednesday! actually i wanted 2 nites but den monday was deepavali so nvm l0r=(
confirmed pe0ple are n0t alot..but nvm its the people wh0 are g0ing who matter,im n0t gonna sleep!! im g0nna play lame games till morning & im g0nna play truth or dare!! & pam & i are g0nna buy lightsticks and play c0z we L0VE PLAYING WIF LIGHTSTICKS!! its super fun^^
& we're g0nna haf a bbq!! but the things n0t yet bought because we haven book the bbq pit coz when booking the chalet they never gif us the option of a bbq pit..yups but den im excited^^
& im g0nna haf superd0g 4 lunch!! hahas=p its delici0us!! hahas its my sis intr0 me 2 dat place de^^
im g0nna play till i g0 crazy & im g0nna pig 0ut like crazy oso=p
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
hahas al0t 0f us wore traditional c0stumes!! s0 cool rite? hahas my class a few of us went around to visit!! so cool!! i oni went 3 houses, kasmi's,hazlinda's and baizura's^^
den had 2 g0 home c0z late already..but i really enjoyed myself!!
see e pics?

in class

on 0ur way already

at hazlinda's h0use
FRIDAY!! prayer meet..i l0ve it!! was ushering & thoroughly enjoyed it

MY USHER TAG!! super l0ve it!! i really really really enjoy ushering!! totally fun!!
SUNDAY!! was sick s0 didn't g0 see water baptism..=(
so instead played wif cutie babie hamsters,who r already covered wif fur~

cute yea?!

hahas i put e phone rite infr0nt of its face=p

eat eat eat,piggie

SUPER CUTE!! like a ball of fats

cute rite? all i take de

dis is the RUNT!! my cutie cutie runt^^ i l0ve dis 1 the m0st!!
yea dats abt all c0z im lazy 2 type stuff~
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
super fun..seriously!!! gosh..REALLY SO FUN!!
NOT THE DRESS CODE,which was a dress.. -.-
but it was super fun,the people were super nice,and the experience was fun because 4 the 1st time i dun juz come into service den sit down etc etc,but i welcome ppl & everything,so fun!!
quite alot of new ushers so blur all blur 2gether..yay^^ al0t of nice ppl^^
den after the debrief went 2 j0in the cg 4 dinner!! they left soon after i came c0z they haf camp..
den after dat went home & now blog^^
Thursday, October 9, 2008
yeps dats the title of my post 2day..or mayb not=p
perhaps it should be "i l0ve the pe0ple wh0 are unf0rtunate enough t0 n0e me~"
seriously..2day had class lunch wif my class..went NUTS..seriously..did i ever tell u all how much i love u all? never..but i wont say it 2 ur face anyway..(ur as in w16a)
anyway i really like bursting wif joy..dun ask me y..im easily satisfied dis few days..seriously..when my mom gave me the rubix cube i oso crazy wif joy..when i realised im in usher i oso crazy wif joy (pls omit the dress part,dat part i can do wifout)
i really love my class. & i dunno how 2 put it into words 4 my blog..
i love w45j too!! the feeling is the same yet the feeling is different..in w16a we dun haf the culture of hugging (not like w45j,where hugging is like an EVERYDAY thing??) but the closeness is there
okies on wif the pics,i noe u all are bored..
juz wanna say..whoever i noe,i really love u^^
hadi's bdae
in the lift on our way 2 w4 4 our lunch,CLASS LUNCH
taking the escalator
so natural
hadi is the photographer
class gals! not all tho
posing b4 eating^^
class gals!!
class gals again! they say im a BOY..so i can take 2 times..HAHA kidding=p gals 1 time guys 1 time ma..guys shy la..never take..HAHA
GALS!! & w1 block behind..purposely 1
my beloved class
another pic of my beloved class
in the lift on our way back to class
silly hadi la!! i love dis pic tho
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
he was sleeping when we decided 2 sing him his bdae song
huijing knocked the table den he woke up..his face blur blur den we started singing 4 him..he looked SO SHOCKED!! i was so happy la!! his face alone make me wanna laugh like crazy..
2morrow dine's bdae!! yayness!! hahas i love the fact dat dis class celebrates bdaes!!
anyway..saw nehe on the bus 2day on my way 2 school..i bet he didn't get any sleep wif me being noisy behind him^^ SORRIE LA NEHE!! hahas=p
& oh..I G0T A HAIRCUT!! OH G0SH!! S0 HAPPY!! hahas^^
4g0t wad else i wanted 2 blog abt..dats all i guess..im thirsty
i said i wanna cut my hair..den i say wanna cut sh0rt..den hadi say..g0 2 the person den say i wanna cut long..-.- hadi ah hadi..haix..HAHA^^
wonderful team man(note,im not meaning dat the men are wonderful..its juz an expressi0n)..seriously!! hahas 1stly we do pdt,already g0t al0t of nonsense..den after dat we discussed worksheet..
worksheet was hilarious!! really la..dis group drives me nuts!!
worksheet there was dis question about this punk gal and and nerd gal..hahas den the punk gal g0t a bulldog chain..den edwin say dat the way the punk gal will express herself thru gangster ativities c0z bulld0g chain..
den hadi said VERY INNOCENTLY..mayb the bulldog die den she sad s0 she wear the bulldog chain?
GOODNESS!! HADI!! haiyoo..HAHA!! laughed alot
den after dat when we were doing the ppt oso g0t alot of nonsense..we were counting the number of slides,2 split up for the 4 of us,sonia didn't come..den we were like..1,2..den we started singing..THE WHOLE GROUP!! AND LOUDLY!!
1,2 buckle my shoe
3,4 shut the door
5,6 pick up sticks
7,8 lay them straight
yes..den after dat we started the itsy bitsy spider song c0z i dunno y g0t talk about rain..so i do the action..so edwin started making the actions of itsy bitsy spider..HAHA!! den we did it a few times before we stopped..
den they oso g0t alot of "n00000000" very long & deep & everything..lame ppl..HAHA!!
laughed really alot..
we were in the 5th ppt den heard some songs from the next class..den FC commented,oso VERY INNOCENTLY.."karaoke."
WAH!! dat g0t me laughing like n0 2morrow la!! seriously!! hahas im really growing 2 love dis class!! i really love u,w16a!!
i really miss u w45j!! i suddenly msn-ed azizi & soffie telling them i missed them..HAHA i noe,i noe..its totally random but really!! i miss u all loads!! & i KEPT KAJIOING SHAWN THRU HIS CLASS WINDOW!! heehee^^
dats about all..im the same nutty girlie from w45j to w16a..juz dat in dis class im not DAT open & im not the crybabie i was in w45j..HAHA i really miss u all loads..& i really love w45j&w16a loads!!
Monday, October 6, 2008


another angle 2 show^^

yet another angle..
yesterday was service!! oh gosh service was AWESOME!! & den i kept laughing during sermon coz of wad pastor jeff said..he said it wif such a straight face!! kept laughing..in the end michelle gave me 3 piggie sweets 2 stuff into my mouth so i wouldn't laugh but alas,it didn't work=p
i had great fun laughing..but sad la=( gs not here,she should b in genting now rite? hahas..wish u were there,at least g0t another person laugh as much as me..HAHA..i NOE u will laugh 1 lor^^ really miss u gal!! come back soon ah!! if not i g0 genting pull u back..hahas=p u never come service like g0t something missing sia..oh btw..im NOT A LESBIAN!! later TERENCE they all think im a lesbian again..stressed on terence because HE KEEP SAYING IM A LESBIAN
oh..den my rubix cube broke..see?


see? in the process of fitting it back

construction in progress

finishing..a few more can le^^

and oh..im glad 2 b an usher but im certainly not glad about the dress code dat i g0t..im supposed 2 wear a DRESS?! oh gosh..melissa tan shi min does NOT WEAR SKIRTS UNLESS NECESSARY..MUCH LESS TALK ABOUT DRESS!! oh gosh
every1 was laughing when they found out i had 2 wear dress la..den all say God's plan..im gonna start praying dat the dress code changes 4 a few very good reasons
1) i do not haf a dress,somemore cannot b brown if not i can borrow my sis' dress
2) i absolutely hate dresses & skirts
3) im so unglam i'll probably put a tear in the dress
4) if i haf 2 walk up/down stairs i'll probably trip & fall SOMEHOW
yups..aren't they good reasons?

the PROOF dat i haf 2 wear dress..i'll gladly volunteer 2 b a guy 4 dat week..all i need 2 wear is tucked-out shirt,jeans&covered shoes..can i b a guy 4 dis coming week ushering?! PLEASE?! haix
and we went burger king 2 eat..not enough money so i oni ate a burger..ruth ordered a meal..dun rmb the name..

dis is the burger ruth ate!! cute rite?? hahas^^
anyway..if the dress code really is a dress i g0tta get a dress SOMEHOW..aww poor me..
i was threatening the gals saying they won't see me in service next week..hahas but they noe im kidding la..
haix..GOD AH~
anything but dress & skirt la=(
but i doubt it will change..but i'll keep praying about it..HAHA^^
im excited about serving in the usher ministry!! but i dun wanna wear dress=(
OH btw..heard dat they celebrated joyce tan's bdae yesterday..HAPPY BDAE JOYCE!! <3
Thursday, October 2, 2008
yesterday dun need g0 school..so pam&i decided 2 g0 east coast 2 cycle^^ initially decided 2 meet at 9,but changed time 2 9.30 instead..den went mac 2 eat breakfast^^ long time never eat le lor..hahas^^
den anyway we decided 2 g0 2 east coast,but we didn't haf a single idea how 2 get there..haiz i noe,i noe,hopeless rite? anyway den called tony coz it was he gif us the idea 1 coz he g0ing wif his exclassmates,we thought his now class..but dat's not the point..den he went mac 2 find us,but he not helpful 1 lor,tell us everything but we dun even noe which stop 2 get down at..HAHA
anyway then we decided 2 g0 orchard there 1st coz i wanted 2 buy sweet..it's nice ok? worth the trip there juz 2 get the sweets..
yups den after dat asked the mrt station ppl how 2 g0 east coast,the person say g0 either eunos or paya lebar den take cab=( so we went 2 eunos 2 take cab..den i saw shamini!! o0 i didn't noe she stay at eunos^^ hahas den FINALLY managed 2 flag down a taxi,had quite a fun time chatting wif the uncle,pam did most of the talking=p
den finally YAY REACHED EAST COAST!! immediately went 2 rent bike..when i we decided 2 g0 east coast my thought was "CYCLING!!" & GUESS WAD?! pam's worse lor..hers was "CYCLING + BARBECUED CHICKEN!!" hahas see who's the real glutton? HAHA^^
anyway rented the bikes so ZOOM we cycle 2wards the bedok jetty..den after we cycle abit past the bedok jetty g0t thunder&lightning&everything so we stopped 2 off our phone coz pam say its DANGEROUS..den after we g0t back on our bikes & cycle ABIT ah.power,the rain started..quite heavy..so we rushed 2 the nearest shelter,& wah so lucky,near toilet somemore..so if we stuck in the rain long time den urgent still dun need run far 2 g0 toilet..HAHA^^
den the rain abit smaller le,we on our phone once we in the shelter,den the dumbdumb tony called pam..ask where we are..we say we at east coast le,at a shelter,HE DUN BELIEVE..so bad lor,we where g0t so bad 2 lie 2 him?! so anyway he ask us g0 back..den when rain smaller we went back 2 the mac there find him & his ex classmates..untill now i still dunno y..
den he has a fren who was learning how 2 cycle..he learnt how 2 cycle!! whoots~ hahas^^ den so the whole group of us went cycling again,even further than we went previously..but same direction..den it was VERY TIRING..den we cycle 2 quite an ulu place already(i took photos),den left 4 of us,tony,his fren,pam&i..den his fren zoom-ed off..den left the 3 of us..den the dumbdumb pam ah,already lagging behind ah,still stop & g0 pluck the caserina(dunno how 2 spell) tree the leave or something..den when i turn back she not at her bike,somemore her bike fell 2 the ground,scared the life outta me..dumbdumb woman
den so i ran back,den found her playing wif the leaves..stupid woman..made me so worried 4 nothing..HAHA^^ so oso play abit la..den after dat took my bicycle & cycled 2 where she parked her bike..den help her get her bike up since she was still childishly playing wif the tree leaves..im younger den her but im more mature ok?! hahas^^
so anyway after dat tony's fren(the one who zoom-ed off) came back & said that the rest were lost or something..so tony&his fren left us 2 lil defenseless gals 2 fend 4 ourselves in the ulu ulu place..sniffles..HAHA no la,we rest there,sit on the cold wet floor,made my fbts wet la=( pam sat on her slippers so her butt not wet..HAHA
oh & there were lots of puddles,really reminded me of sheng yang=( coz ah,dat time ah,was raining,oni i g0t umbrella,den he stay behind the school(behind the school g0t 2 blocks) den so he shelter me 2 his neighbouring block den i g0 take bus from there la,den so he need 2 shelter me rite? den he walk 2 the left,i stand at his left ma,den i thought he asking me 2 move 2 the left coz carpark ma,den his right is where the cars drive by,so i walk 2 the left,den walk walk walk,stepped into a big puddle of water,g0t my shoes wet,den i scolded him..turns out he wanted 2 shelter me..haix..make me so guilty la..hmph..HAHA^^
den after dat they came back,say dat the rest at bedok jetty or something..ok so we cycle back,by dat time im tired like crazy already..u muz take into consideration the fact dat tony&his frenz in total cycle 2 hours..pam&i cycle FOUR HOURS!! tired like crazy..den dat dumbdumb tony still g0t the cheek 2 kajiao us..haix..没死过ah?!
hahas den we finally reached the bike rentals there!! den returned our bikes&went 2 mac..coz i haf craving 4 MACFLURRY..yay i g0t my oreo macflurry..
den went 2 the dunno wad place 2 eat pam's barbecued chicken,our dinner..i ate 3 pam ate 5-.- AGAIN,SEE WHO'S THE GLUTTON!! hahas den after dat took bus 196 to parkway parade den 966 back 2 woodlands den 858 to yishun..den waited 4 my mom at interchange for 30mins coz A)i dun dare g0 home alone and B)it was raining&i dun haf umbrella
den sms pam&tony while waiting 4 my mom 2 come..she went out wif her frenz..den went home sweet home..on my way back my tummy hurt like crazy again..gosh juz wad is wrong wif me?! but nvm it went away awhile after i reached home..den ate pau..heehee^^ den bathe den sleep..slept almost immediately lahz!!
okies 2day i did nothing much,slacked around the house
yesterday i went east coast..already like 7+ or 8 rite,i suddenly thought "OH GOSH!! DUN TELL ME THE BADMINTON IS TODAY?!" den faster clarify..turns out it REALLY IS ON TUESDAY..i thought it was wednesday..oh gosh..felt so bad la=( dumb rite? seems like i can never do a single thing rite=( these kind of thing oso can jumble up..haix=(