Sunday, March 6, 2011

yesterday this kid was talking 2 me and he SPAT ON ME!! ok technically he didnt SPIT on me. but he talk and his saliva fly all over my face. i was totally WTH and went 2 wipe it. turns out dun haf tissue paper and i used de toilet roll outside 2 wipe my face.

tsk. and after dat he said i was a fool. but ok melissa. CHILL. juz think of the pay. hahahahahahas=D

but seriously!!
i've been called auntie; MRS ANG (i dunno whr he gt dat weird idea dat im mrs ang); and a fool. all by different kids.
my fav is teacher.♥ HAHAHAHA!! like duhh.

noone calls me melissa. cuz its like they dunno plus even if they noe its weird? but its ok la. teacher suits me fine. HAHAHAHAHA!!

anyway! i got my pay yesterday!! happy girl!!(:
didnt earn as much as usual cuz feb is shorter+cny+uts. hahas. bt its totally ok wif me!! earned money from mascots chaperon-ing anyway!!(:

ANYWAY. i dunno wad i wanna say. but still. ANYWAY. i got thinking u'kno. wad if i really followed my dreams and become a dolphin trainer!! seriously the path seems. tough. scuba diving qualifications? kinda hard. and im the kind who wont learn if no1 learns wif me. so yea. dunno?

and den oso. imagine i work. always under sun. skin wrinkle. when im like. i dunno. 40? they'll fire me. who wanna see old WRINKLED woman hosting dolphin show?! rite?

den i'll be old, wrinkled, jobless and thus no income. and i'll die penniless. ok. if i were 2 become a lifeguard after dat it'll b ok. cuz most lifeguards at swimming pools are uncles. HAHAHAHA!!

of cuz by den i hope im already happily married and all. but wad if i dun? i mean i gotta get a reality check rite. im like. not exactly de type of girl dat guys wans rite. if i were i'll haf guys fighting over me. HAHA!! i think i 送给别人他们都不要lor!!

but is this REALLY the path 4 me? how come im not worried abt fulltime while others are? issit juz me? should i b worried instead of being so nonchalant?? omg. I DONT KNOWWWWW!

anyway; randoms. i misspelled when talking 2 limying and she was like laughing at me!!
chicken pox as chicken pok. seriously. its de way i pronounce ma! *defensive*
den cheque as CHECK. its de same pronounciation AS WELL!! HAHAHAHAHA!! ok nvm=D

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