Thursday, March 24, 2011

i MUST update abt this. super short update la. hahas. went 0ut wif dumbs bt gonna update abt dat in some other blogpost(:

2day when going 0ut 2 meet my dumbs, i was in de lift and at 6th floor a kanranguni (i dunno hw 2 spell it=x) man came in and randomly asked me whether i was going 2 sch. bt cuz he looked kind and not at all creepy so i told him no; going 0ut; no school now

den he was like oh..den i decided 2 b nice and tell him im from poly (haven officially grad means still in RP so still "in poly" lor=D)

den he was like ngee ann? den i say no, republic.

HAHAHAHAHA!! here's whr de awesomeness comes in

den he was like ohh. means u sec4 grad going into poly in apr? HAHAHAHAHA!! i found it too awesome 2 like tell him de truth dat YES im a grad but im a POLY grad. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! AWESOME MUCHH!!(:

dat uncle totally rocks!!=p

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