Friday, March 4, 2011

swam another 10laps 2day!! and im so happy cans(:

its like de 10laps were fun!
zg and i decided 2 like swim 5 laps consecutive. 4 me its like considered consecutive if u dun count once in awhile remove my googles 2 wash them cuz they fogged up. i seriously need de antifog thingie. i refuse 2 use my saliva!! but i heard it really works or something. but omg no. like gross 2 me. HAHAHA!!

so anyway! after de 5 laps we had some random "who can swim the furthest in 1 breath" kinda race. random race and i won!!♥
and zg was like "MEL. U'RE NOT SUPPOSED 2 B USING UR GILLS."
I DONT HAF GILLS!! ok if i haf gills im a mermaid. and every1 noes dat all de mermaids in "The Little Mermaid" are like so pwetty!! HAHAHAHA!! ok im praising myself ok? hahas. bt anyway! (ps: ariel is de prettiest!!)

ANYWAY! so den we had this "swim half a lap wif oni hands and come back swimming the other lap using oni legs" HAHAHAHA!! was super duper fun. no wonder zg always wanna challenge swim wif legs and refuse 2 do swim wif hands. swimming wif hands is like super tiring and i always dun get enough air!! hahas. bt it makes me feel like. u'kno. like i exercised alot. HAHAHAHA!!

and thr were like lifeguard trainings as well!! and the gals were like tanned so evenly and nicely and so hot!! didnt see their face. but still hot. and the guys oso. omg. tanned and hot bod cans. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! aiyeer. see them liddat i gt no hope 4 getting lifeguard cert alr la.

ok. i should gif up dat idea. but still!! i so demoralised cans. last time i swim win zg de leh. now always slower den him. ζˆ‘δΈζœ!! i think its de correct "fu"

ANYWAY!! ok. im still demoralised over it. HAHAHAHA!! takes so little 2 demoralise me riite?? hahahahahahaha!! cuz as long as in my mind im like (even a teeny weeny bit) faster den u; u CANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOT WIN MEEEEEEEEEE!! HAHAHAHA!! ok. pride issues surfacing!!!

OK ANYWAY! den after dat we had the "swim half a lap wif ur head above the water"
HAHAHAHAHA!! ok we had all sorts of randoms.

and deanna and i took polaroids!!♥
and jumpshot polaroid which like failed. but its ok! cuz its still fun. paying 1buck for some laughs is ok leh!! juz dun like spend 40bucks doing 40 failed jumpshots la!

HAHA and den dinnered at longjohns. de grilled cajun chicken is nice bt really too salty!! hahas. bt their cheese is like awesome as usual!!♥

ANYWAY! in de end didnt go lg. and den bus-ed home wif zg. bt i get down at yishun he continue 2 de east.
and we talk abt like super random stuffs. like. FACIAL FLUFF. HAHAHAHA!! i dunno hw we got 2 dat topic. bt still. HAHAHA

on de bus i seem 2 keep talking. think back i dun even noe wad we were talking abt. but i oni rmb after getting down; de oni thing i thought was "omg i talk so much!! he confirm v sian 1. keep having 2 hear me talk." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

initially wanted 2 buy cinnamon melts!! but i agree dat it like gets kinda. sickening after awhile? thus conclusion: cinnamon melts should always be shared=D

ANYWAY! and i reached home and im so nua. dun feel like going work leh. but staying at home rotting is like boring max as well. i wanna keep fit. but yet stay lazy. HAHAHAHA!! wth rite. i wanna nua and den get fitter. HAHA!!

ok anyway! im like so bored online!! thus my recently more blogposts. i've been like having insomnia? i can get into bed at like 1230 but cant sleep, even till 230. so i figured might as well stay up longer since i can get into bed and 130 and still cant slp at 230. =x

and im like talking 2 someone i used 2 had a crush on previously. SO FUNNYY!! HAHAHAHA!! ok. im being random.


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