Friday, December 4, 2015

I think it started quite awhile back but I never realised it till recently. Like it didnt occur to me until recently. I used to be a bathroom singer. Like when I'm bathing I'm always singing. Disney, Praise, Worship, random English songs which match my mood, parts of Chinese songs which I actually know the lyrics to, and so on. But mostly English songs/Worship/Disney.

But recently I have stopped. Not even recently. It's been a while. Have I kinda lost that little bit of childlikeness? Have I 'grown up' in the way i fear the most?

Not really sure.. but I really dont sing much in the showers anymore.

Another random is that it has been raining alot recently. Like EVERYDAY kind of alot. Which is normal, it's December after all. But it is totally fine with me because i ABSOLUTELY LOVE RAIN. It makes me calm. Sometimes when I've had a huge quarrel and am feeling really down and it starts to rain, I actually feel comforted and better. I know right, SO WEIRD when the skies are 'crying' and I feel better? But seriously rain has a very calming and hapy effect on me. I love rainy days.

And there is a word for it!! I am a PLUVIOPHILE.

Definition of Pluviophile, a lover of rain;someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

Except... sometimes I wanna swim and when I wanna swim I want the sun to be relentless. Like 'PLEASE TRY TO BURN ME!!' type of relentless. I really love swimming when the weather is a killer. Only thing is when walking to the pool I am dripping with sweat.

But because recently it has been all thunderstorms I haven't been swimming. A little upset.

But so contradictory. It's like when it rains I will be like OMG I LOVE RAIN. Then after that I will be like oh shit I cant go swimming today then.

Hahahaha. Hard to choose between my 2 loves.

Sidenote; my birthday is over and I am officially 24. But actually I have already considered myself 24 since the start of 2015. It's easier.

I used to take birthdays very seriously. Not with birthday celebrations or cakes. I'm not a fan of cake. And my family never had the tradition of celebrating birthdays so not birthday celebrations either. Just birthday wishes. Like I used to be quite obsessed with how many people wished me happy birthday because the more the number, the more 'important' and loved I am.

But seems like I kinda matured abit. Of course it still matters to me. But not the quantity. Now I have understood that the quality of friends is so much more important.

This year I have removed my birthday from Facebook. And the difference is huge. But it is heartwarming(:

I've had the really important people wish me happy birthday.
Ruth was first, followed by Tony whom I was on the phone with. Then the rest of the Ahh5 group (Jol, Sarah and then Qiu).
Then in the morning when I woke up, Deanna wished me.
And then after that my father and sister.
At night when my mum came home, my mum wished me.
And close to midnight, Aiming wished me
The next day Pam wished me and said sorry it was late
[Update: on 5th December Yuhan msged me and wished me happy birthday and said sorry for the late wish 'cuz he was in reservist. Really shocked and thankful for it because as mentioned I removed my birthday from my FB. AND I haven't spoken to him in eons. REALLLLLLLY long. But he remembered. So am really thankful for it!!]

If this were back when I was in Seconday School, I would have been depressed. That said, in secondary school I probaby received even less. Definitely WAAAAYYYYYY less. Wasn't popular and my birthday was during the holidays. Who would bother to remember?!
But seriously speaking..I don't remember others' birthdays as well. It's really humbling to know that people REMEMBER your birthday without notification from facebook. (: Its humbling and heartwaming. And it is ENOUGH. I don't need lots of people to wish me.
I just need the important ones to. (FYI stupid zg didn't wish me and seriously not surprised. We are all damn bad with birthdays)

Next year I am already 25. Quarterlife. So I have decided I want to make next year count. I have already signed up for Sundown 2016 FULL MARATHON.
Never completed a marathon in my life and next year, the QUARTERLIFE CRISIS YEAR, will be it. I'm really excited!!

I have decided to write out my bucket list and I have to tick off afew every year. I don't want to continue living like this. A full marathon is on my bucket list. Though my final aim is not Sundown but Standard Chartered. But nonetheless first marathon at 25 sounds not bad.

I don't know what next year will bring. But I do know that next year I WILL COMPLETE MY FIRST MARATHON. Not like last year which I got prematurely stopped 'cuz the roads were re-opening and we hadta stop 'cuz we were a little slow. But nonetheless we still had about 1.5hrs to complete the remaining 8km which is DOABLE.
But they stopped us 'cuz the roads hadta be open. So nevermind.
Next year shall be my first.

This year has been fun in terms of events I joined. I joined a swim event for the first time in my life and really enjoyed it(: Have always wanted to join one.
And the medal was great and I was proud of myself.

Even though there was rushing from one Safra to another, even though we completed a swim at midnight on Sat and had a 7am swim on Sun, I still enjoyed myself immensely. We just kinda clicked and it's really nice to have someone I don't feel awkward with. I am socially awkward fyi.

And I managed to swim a total of 300laps (Though their 1lap is actually half a lap), which adds up to 15km!! I swam 15km in 3 days and that is something to be really proud of!
I had a great time and for the first time in a long time I had a buddy to join with. Choped her for next year swim event.

But I don't just wanna do running event. I don't just wanna do swimming event. I want to do a combination. I want to do duathlons (or aqualthon. Either way I am referring to the Run and Swim one).

And when I have my own bicycle and have completed and confident of duathlons/aqualthons, I want to do my ultimate bucket list: the Triathlon.

Feels like as if its the end of the year like that, reflections on the year. But I think one of the happier/fresher moments of this year is DEFINITELY Swim-for-Hope. I loved it and I will definitely join it again!!

It hasn't been a great year. Full of emotions. Am I stronger? Nope. Haha. Sadly. But nonetheless, it's good to think of things I wanna do next year.


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