Monday, November 9, 2015

So i was studying and took my cup to drink water when something jumped out and landed on where my cup used to be.. looked and it was a spider.. glossy black and seemed as if it had MANY EYES. Maybe just my hallucination about the many eyes.

But anyway.. so I screamed immediately but no response from outside.. continued staring and it jumped onto my tissue box which shocked me when it jumped so I screamed again.

.. and still no response. So started screaming for my mum and she FINALLY came in. She eventually managed to kill it when it jumped onto the floor and she stomped on it (she wears slippers in the house cuz her feet is bad and always needs cushioning).

I screamed "AH YOU KILLED IT!!' and she was like ya else you tonight dont need sleep already.

After that when i was washing and refilling my cup (no way am i drinking from that cup without washing.. the spider somehow came from it!!), my mum said: (all in chinese)

Mum: Maybe the spider was at your cup because it wanted to drink water
Me: Got like that de meh?!
Mum: If not why it go to your cup??


My mum often leaves me speechless.. Guess that's where I get all my nonsense theories from.. so I'm not entirely to blame for having nonsense theories.. its a genetically inherited thing.

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