Sunday, December 12, 2021

Why do some people enjoy making life difficult for others?

Why do you, when something has already been settled and followed your wishes already, still want to make changes?
Why fix whats not broken?
Why look for nonsense things to nitpick on??
Are you so fucking free to think of making life more difficult for others?
Did you ever consider that events need time and effort and energy to plan? Why change something which is already fixed? Where we already fucking followed your wishes to go and get an auspicious date. Where the previous date you suggested for this year I was already excited for, then you said no cannot have 2 weddings in 1 year. Sure, fine we change date and go and ask for an auspicious date. Then the date comes and just nice it's in the same month as our anniversary. I am happy about it since its easier to remember though if I had it my way it would be on our anniversary itself. Nevermind, you happy I wont complain else more trouble.

Things were fixed, I was telling people when my wedding would be etc. Then our BTO gets delayed. Nothing much, it's kinda expected anyway. THEN you turn around and tell him, NOT ME OR US, JUST HIM, that oh should stay in same house after getting married. We are gonna get the house less than half a year into our wedding. It's fucking fine.

Why must you stick your nose into every single thing. We followed your wishes already. Initially suddenly had to get married this year. Then after we were okay with that, suddenly you said no cannot. Ok fine we followed your wishes. THEN you said to go and ask for an auspicious date. Sure we went to get that. And at that point you told HIM AND NOT ME OR US that I raised my voice at you. I was firm. Extremely firm but in no way did I raise my voice at you. If you are too weak that's your fucking problem. Fuck him too for saying I did it too. You all obviously have not seen the difference between being firm and raising voice. Forget it. You decided to complain to HIM AND HE CONFRONTED ME. Fine, forget it. We stick to the auspicious date given. Everything is all good. NOW you fucking want to delay to 2nd half of next year JUST BECAUSE MARRIED COUPLES SHOULD STAY TOGETHER AFTER GETTING MARRIED.
Sorry, I know he is trying by suggesting I move in after the wedding. Why the fuck would I when you are always giving me trouble. When I have my own room and the best mum in the world to stay with until my house comes??

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