Monday, May 28, 2012

kinda sad i guess. end of the day your home is over there.
its kinda like hurtful when i think that anytime i might lose you cuz you're so comfortable there; all your beloved friends are there.

it would be kinda selfish if i wished you would stay in singapore forever. but yet again i have this nagging feeling that our plans for staying together in the same house or staying together as neighbours will never come to pass. you love it there too much.

and i do know that the friendships you have there are as important, or if i may say, even more important than mine? yes it hurts. of course it hurts. but sometimes i feel i don't really know you very well, tho we JUST can click. somehow we're very similar. but somehow i feel that i wont be in your future.

of course it hurts. to be just your friend while the people there are like your family.

end of the day i think i might lose this friendship. this very precious friendship which i hold closest to me heart. the VERY closest.

but im just but a friend. they're family to you.

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